Ric Flair Believes Vince McMahon Should Appear On RAWs 30 Anniversary Show And Get The Recognitio

July 2024 · 2 minute read

is happy that Vince McMahon is back in the fold in WWE.

On the latest episode of the To Be The Man Podcast, Ric Flair discussed the recent return of Vince McMahon to WWE, saying that he’s glad Vince is back in the company that he helped build.

“Well, first of all, it’s not about who I like in that place. I personally love Vince McMahon, so I’m glad that he’s back. I mean, I don’t begin to know, and there’s only a few people that do know, and I’m not one of them. But I mean, I worked for his dad in 1976.

“I’ve been with the McMahon family for a long time off and on. He gave me life when I didn’t have life. I mean, he and Hunter brought me back and all that we’ve discussed that 100 times. I got all the time in the world for him. And I honestly believe that he lives and breathes the business, and he just said to himself, I own all this stuff. It’s mine. I built it I want back in. And I don’t blame him.

“I mean, 30 years of being on TV for RAW. Think about that; 30 years. I mean, it’s unbelievable. And I hope he walks out that door in Philadelphia and stands there and struts down that aisle and says, I’m back. The place will go crazy. I guarantee it, that will be a rating.”

Conrad Thompson admitted he hadn’t considered the idea of Vince McMahon appearing as an on-screen character for RAW XXX, but The Nature Boy believes Mr. McMahon should be there to get recognition for 30 years of producing that television show.

“I think it’d be tremendous,” Ric Flair said. “I mean if you have Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon, and I don’t know what they are doing with me, but I’m insignificant compared to those guys. They’re there for the show. Unless The Rock is coming, I mean man, what a show. But I think 30 years, I believe, wholeheartedly that Vince should be there, and he should get the recognition for the 30 years that he’s been busting his ass producing that show.”

WWE RAW Is XXX is scheduled to take place on Monday, January 23 at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

What do you make of Ric Flair’s comments? How do you feel about Vince McMahon being back in the fold at WWE? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.
