WWE NXT Results (1/30/24)

September 2024 · 6 minute read

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Finals: Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes vs. The LWO w/Zelina Vega

Wilde and Hayes trade takedowns and hip tosses. Hayes gains control after a bulldog. Hayes and Williams land a combo dropkick on Wilde. Del Toro tosses Wilde on top of Williams. Springboard moonsault by Del Toro. Williams responds with a body slam. Pop-up punch by Williams. Hayes is back in, and he lights Del Toro up in the corner with chops. Hayes is sent flying out of the ring. Wilde lands a dive. Williams tries to help Hayes and gets taken out from a dive by Del Toro.

After the break, Del Toro is working over Hayes. Hayes manages to tag in Williams. Williams clears the ring. Williams Book Ends Del Toro and Wilde at the same time. Hayes gets to his feet. Williams pins both men at once, but they both kick out. Hayes gets stuck in the tree of woe. Del Toro and Wilde both go coast-to-coast on Hayes. Williams breaks up the pin. Wilde dives off the top into the first 48 by Hayes. Hayes tags in Williams and clotheslines Del Toro over the top. Wiliams destroys Wilde with a running knee for the win.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (1/23/24)

Winners- Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

After the match, Oba Femi hops the barricade and attacks Wilde and Del Toro. Williams tries to help, but Hayes holds him back. Dragon Lee tries to make the save, but Femi leaves all three men lying.

Backstage, Ridge Holland tries to convince NXT GM Ava to let him wrestle all three members of Gallus at once. Ava says she has to protect Holland from himself. Lexis King walks in and tries to bribe Ava with a gift basket. Ava tells King he has a match with Holland tonight and walks off.

Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley

NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria is at the commentary desk for this match. Perez beats Paxley into the corner. After a few stomps from Perez, Paxley headbutts Perez in the gut. Perez works a cravat hold. Paxley fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Perez rolls out of the ring. Paxley does Valkyria’s signature dropkick through the ropes. Paxley gets caught up looking for Valkyria’s approval. Perez surprises Paxley with a suicide dive. Perez pins Paxley after Pop Rocks.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

After the match, Paxley attacks Perez. Perez fires back and ends up on top of Paxley. Valkyria breaks it up. Valkyria and Perez have a standoff.

Elektra Lopez vs. Lola Vice

Lopez spears Vice. Both women trade strikes. They end up rolling out of the ring. Lopez sends Vice into the ring post. Lopez sends Vice back into the ring. Vice lands rapid-fire kicks and a running hip attack in the corner. Vice works over Lopez. Triangle by Vice. Lopez turns it into a powerbomb. Lopez works over Vice. Vice counters Lopez’s spinebuster into a guillotine. Lopez rolls through. Vice lands a spin kick. Vice pins Lopez.

Winner- Lola Vice

Backstage, Joe Gacy sits down with Dijak and tells him he’s not going anywhere. No matter what Dijak does, he can’t get rid of Gacy. Dijak and Gacy get into a brawl.

Ridge Holland vs. Lexis King

Holland is in control early, using his power advantage to overwhelm King. King lands a cheap shot and a flurry of offense. Holland lands a slam and says it’s over. King kicks Holland in the knee and sets up his finish. Holland powers out and sets up his finish. All of Gallus rush the ring. Holland takes out all three men. As Holland gets back in the ring, King superkicks Holland and hits his finish for the win.

Winner- Lexis King

After the match, Gallus hits Holland in the knee with a chair.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

In Ring Segment: Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Riley Osborn

Chase notes the many successes of Chase U. He believes their memories together will stand the test of time. The end of Chase U is no one’s fault but his own. Chase thanks, everyone. Hudson puts over Chase and Chase U. Chase throws to a highlight package of Chase U moments. Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail interrupt. Jayne puts over Chase and says the University doesn’t have to close. She organized a Women of Chase U Calendar. With the proceeds, they have more than enough money to save the school. Everyone celebrates.

Backstage, Jensen asks Fallon Henley to hang out. Wren Sinclair walks in and asks Henley if it’s still okay for her to walk to the ring with Henley. Henley tells Jensen she will talk to him later and leaves.

Backstage, Gacy and Dijak are still fighting…

Arianna Grace vs. Fallon Henley w/Wren Sinclair

After an early flurry from Henley, Grace takes control after a cheap shot. Henley fires up. Jakra Jackson appears and distracts the referee. Lash Legend runs down the ramp and boots Henley in the face. Legend sends Henley back into the ring. Grace pins Henley.

Winner- Arianna Grace

In the parking lot, Gacy and Dijak are fighting on the top of a trailer. Dijak lands a right hand that sends Gacy flying off the top of the trailer.

Heritage Cup Championship Match: Noam Dar (c) w/Meta-Four vs. Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone

Mr. Stone’s sons are in the crowd. They helped train Wagner for this match.

Wagner tosses Dar all over the ring. Dary tries to work on Wagner’s arm. Wagner does a roll into a kip-up to break the hold. Wagner lands several suplexes. As the bell rings, Wagner keeps punching Dar.


Wagner tries to continue his beatdown. Mr. Stone tells Wagner this. It is the rest period.

Wagner beats up Mensa and tosses him out of the ring. Dar surprises Wagner with the Nova Roller and gets the first pin.


This round started during the break. Wagner lands a delayed suplex. Legend and Jackson try to stop Wagner from getting back into the ring. Henley and Sinclair attack Legend and Jackson. Dar traps Wagner in a knee bar. The round ends before Wagner can submit.

The fight spills out of the ring. Dar dropkicks Wagner’s knee into the ring steps. Wagner misses a splash and hits his head on the ring post. Dar traps Dar in a rolling prawn for the win.


Winner and STILL Heritage Cup Champion, Noam Dar!

After the match, Wagner puts Mensa through the announce desk.

In-Ring Segment: Trick Williams

Williams calls out Ilja Dragunov. Dragunov joins Williams in the ring. Dragunov puts over Williams and offers Williams a handshake. Williams stalls him out and says he can see what Dragunov is trying to do. Dragunov suggests Williams is being shady and pushed their match to Vengence Day so he could have the advantage. Williams and Dragunov end up shaking hands. Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker attack them from behind. Carmelo Hayes makes the save. Williams gets caught up staring at Dragunov. Hayes notices. He is not happy.

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