20 Things To Talk About With Your Crush

June 2024 · 9 minute read

Chatting up with your crush is one of the hardest moves for many people. You need to make a positive impression and keep the conversation respectful at the same time.

One wrong move and you’ll be a creep forever in your crush’s eyes. Many things can go wrong while talking with a potential love interest. Here are 20 topics that can keep the conversation interesting without worrying about the consequences.

1. Life Ambitions

The “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?” question can solve two mysteries: your crush’s goals in life and whether they are serious about being in a relationship. This line of questioning can be further extended by sharing your ambitions and commitment to a romantic relationship.

Just be careful not to reveal too many details about yourself, leaving nothing for future conversations. Also, don’t get too personal if you don’t want to sound needy.

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2. Taste In Music

Learn about your potential partner’s music preferences by asking about their favorite song, genre, artist, and/or band.

Also, find out if she recently attended a concert/music festival and if she has plans to attend one soon. Casually ask if she wants to join you in a future event that you are planning to attend.

3. Movies and TV Shows

Discussions on movies and TV shows can go on for hours, especially if you both have similar preferences. Ask questions about your crush’s favorite genre, film, and TV series.

Moreover, you can discuss a famous scene or dialogue from their favorite movie or TV show in addition to their favorite actor/actress. Also, make a few recommendations if you have sufficient knowledge about the genre or actor.

4. Dating History

Opening up about your past dating life is crucial if you want the relationship to begin on an honest note. Talk about your former partners and give your honest opinion on why the relationship didn’t work.

Ask about her past relationships and if she remains in contact with her ex-boyfriends. Discussing former romances can help in determining any potential red flags. For example, if she has a mostly negative attitude towards her ex-partners, maybe she is the problem and not her former partners.

5. Friends And Family

Ask questions about your crush’s family members and friends to know more about their personal life. Discuss if they have a special memory with their loved ones, their upbringing, and how often they spend time together.

Also, briefly mention your family members and childhood. Don’t forget to ask if your crush wants to have a family of their own in the future and share your views on starting a family.

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6. Political Affiliation

Following different political views doesn’t necessarily mean your relationship is doomed. We are aware of plenty of fictional and real-life characters who fell for each other despite coming from rival families or politically opposite backgrounds.

Instead, try to understand your crush’s point of view by discussing how they got inspired to follow a certain political ideology or leader. Also, make your case by justifying your political affiliation in a polite manner.

7. Traveling

Traveling has become a trend in the last few years, thanks to the change in society’s perception of entertainment and the revolutionary development of GPS technology. Discuss your traveling habits and favorite destinations with your crush to find out if you are compatible with each other.

Additionally, you can also plan a road trip or a hike for your next date. Make an offer to visit your favorite travel destination without sounding too clingy.

8. Guilty Pleasures

A guilty pleasure is something that a person enjoys despite knowing that it is not well regarded by society or other people. It can be food, a movie, a place, or an activity.

Everybody has a guilty pleasure they don’t generally share with others. The trick to make anyone open up about their dirty secrets is acting non-judgmental. You could also share your guilty pleasure first to make your crush comfortable about sharing theirs. But, remember to avoid sounding creepy; not getting into too many details is one of the best ways to keep it casual.

9. Heroes And Personal Inspirations

Almost everyone has a hero in their lives; find out the personal inspiration behind your crush’s motivations. It could be a successful entrepreneur, political leader, social activist, or an expert in a particular field.

With a simple Google search, you can learn what motivates your crush to follow the individual. Take note of the works done and contributions made by the person to humanity. Discuss the points in such a way that will make it sound like you are quite familiar with the figure.

10. Hobbies

Make an effort to learn about your crush’s hobbies and passions in life. This is one of the safest subjects to discuss with the added benefit of getting to know your crush better.

Take an interest in your love interest’s hobbies by asking questions like how long have they been participating in the craft and how often they take part in the activity. You can continue the conversation for a longer time by sharing your personal hobbies and favorite pastimes.

11. Food

Food is one of the best topics to talk about during a date. Talk about your favorite dishes and beverages while also giving them an opportunity to discuss their food preferences.

Moreover, if you have a passion for cooking, invite your crush over for a dinner date and win them over with your immaculate cooking skills. Alternatively, you can ask questions about your crush’s views on seafood, veganism, and other culinary-based topics.

12. Mutual Friends

Talking about your mutual friends is a healthy way to bond with your crush. Discuss what they love about the friend, how often they hang out together, and their go-to pastimes while hanging out with each other.

Also, ask about how she became friends with the person and share your experience with the mutual friend. While it’s not a good idea to bad mouth the common friend in front of your crush, a joke or two about the person can help to lighten up the atmosphere.

13. Faith In God

Take a few minutes to ask if your crush believes in God or a higher power and their approach to religion. Discussing God will let you learn about your potential partner’s take on morality and spirituality.

If you are a deeply religious person, it could be a deal breaker if your partner is an atheist. So, it’s better to discuss this topic beforehand, instead of getting a surprise after committing to a relationship.

14. Sports

While sport is not considered the best topic of discussion with a person of the opposite sex, it can nonetheless become an intriguing point to talk about. Find out if your crush has a favorite sport and the best thing she likes about it along with details on her favorite sportsperson.

If you two follow the same sport, ask her to join you in an upcoming event. Or, you can also offer to accompany your crush during a live session of her favorite sport.

15. Pet Peeve

A mutual hatred for something is a stronger bonding factor for two people than their common love for something. A pet peeve is something that a person develops a particular dislike for. The annoyance could be a result of a bad memory or even irrational in some cases.

Sharing your pet peeves can be a fun pastime as well as a bonding moment between two people. But, remember to keep the conversation healthy and refrain from making unwarranted hateful comments about a person or a particular trend.

16. Lifestyle

Lifestyle is one of the few factors that need to be absolutely compatible if two people want a healthy relationship. The difference in lifestyles can be resolved by one of the parties for the sake of the relationship; however, in many cases, it turns out to be a deal breaker.

Before getting serious with a relationship. ask her about her lifestyle preferences and determine if you two are compatible with each other. Also, ask her if she is willing to make any compromises to her lifestyle choices if she finds a suitable partner.

17. Job And Career Goals

Jobs and career aspirations take up significant portions of a person’s life. Although it doesn’t sound too romantic to discuss the professional life of your crush, it makes them realize that you take an interest in even the most boring parts of their lives.

Take a moment to learn about what motivated her to get a job in her current field, her short-term & long-term career goals, and the best part about her job. Make her feel like you also enjoy your current job, instead of acting like you are stuck in a boring profession.

18. Zodiac Sign

In recent times, women have taken a keen interest in learning their zodiacs and horoscopes. You don’t necessarily need to be a believer to ask a few questions about them.

Keep patience as she rambles about how her zodiac sign has shaped her personality, among other things. Avoid making a condescending remark and downplaying their belief system even if you don’t believe in pseudoscience.

19. View On Marriage

Not everyone wants to get married and settle down in life. Pressure to get married often results in the premature ending of hundreds of romances every year, if not thousands.

Your crush’s willingness or reluctance to get married is a major deal breaker in many relationships. So, make sure to clarify your possible partner’s stand on marriage before you go forward with the romance. It’s better to part ways amicably than wait for your significant other to change their mind.

20. Partner Preference

People have different partner preferences based on various factors like their upbringing, family structure, education, and personal taste. You could be a 10 and still get rejected if you are not her “type.”

So, before moving forward with the relationship, you should be aware of the personality type that attracts your crush. Discussing each other’s expectations from a romantic partner can help in determining if you two are a match or not.
