WWE Live Event Results (3/21): Phoenix, AZ; Cena & Orton vs Rollins & Big Show, Ryback vs Rusev, Bo

July 2024 · 2 minute read

wwe live event resultsSource: ProWrestling.net

After the national anthem, a Triple H video aired, asking “are you ready?!?” It was an attempt at a DX pop and it failed miserably.

1. Jack Swagger defeated Adam Rose. Swagger won with a Swagger Bomb followed by a Patriot Lock in a two to three minute match.

2. R-Truth over Fandango (w/Rosa Mendes). Truth won by rollup after Rosa was ejected for interference. Her ejection caused a distraction and Truth won the two to three minute match.

3. Erick Rowan beat Bo Dallas. Rowan squashed Dallas in one minute with a Full Nelson Slam. Bo Dallas made another challenge. He vowed to win or never return to Phoenix ever again. Zack Ryder accepts challenge.

4. Zack Ryder beat Bo Dallas. Ryder won with his finisher in one minute. Dallas pouted in ring and then left.

5. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd defeated Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods, The Ascension, and The Primetime Players in a Fatal Four Way to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. Kidd and Cesaro cut a promo saying they are better than the New Age Outlaws, Legion of Doom, Demolition, Edge & Christian, and The Steiner Brothers. The crowd booed. The Primetime Players were eliminated first followed by The Ascension. Cesaro pinned Kofi with a rollup and and had his feet on the ropes. A ten minute match.

The Connor The Crusher video played for the Warrior Award. It received a standing ovation.

6. Ryback beat Rusev by DQ in a U.S. Title match. Huge pop for Ryback, who performed a standing vertical suplex for five seconds. Ryback won by DQ after Rusev hit him with the belt to end a ten minute match.

7. Goldust beat Stardust. Goldust won with a running powerslam in five to seven minutes. There were a lot of strong spots for Cody off the top rope.

8. Nikki Bella (w/Brie Bella) beat Paige to retain the WWE Divas Championship. The Divas got big pop. Nikki won with finisher in a five to seven solid minutes. Huge pop for the Bellas in their hometown.

9. John Cena and Randy Orton defeated Seth Rollins and Big Show. Orton pinned Rollins after the RKO, and Cena performed an AA on Show at the end of a 15-minute match. A two hour and 45 minute show.

Biggest Pops:
1. John Cena
2. Randy Orton
3. The Bella Twins

Most Heat:
1. Rusev
2. John Cena
3. Seth Rollins (you sold out chants)
