Teddy Hart Talks About His Recent Rolling Stone Interview, His Reputation, If Triple H Has The Ba

August 2024 · 3 minute read


Teddy Hart was a recent guest on the Kevin Gill Show, talking about his recent Rolling Stone magazine interview, his infamous reputation, Lucha Underground, possibly working for WWE and more. You can read a few excerpts (courtesy of The Kevin Gill Show) as well as listen to the interview below: 

“A lot of the stories and a lot of the hype is just stories and hype. I really want to show the fans substance  I love the business, and my reputation is something I really want to work on changing, so people feel more comfortable, the fans that spend so much money keeping this great sport alive, and all the fans listening out there, feel more comfortable putting the Teddy Hart name out there as a name they want to see in Wrestlemania, a guy they want to see wrestle Triple H or Brock Lesnar, or go to Lucha Underground..stuff like that” 

“If I’ve done all this stuff, and I’m supposed to be Konnan’s enemy, than why am I at his house with his wife and him, having dinner. And why does he come to my house during christmas, with his wife?  When he rarely travels! You can ask anyone who knows Konnan, going home to enjoy his family is more important than staying on the road for a prolonged period of time, plus he goes to triple A every single week!!  Ask Vince McMahon to come spend Christmas with you! Konnan is as busy as Vince McMahon!” 

“I would love to see Stephanie McMahon and Triple H man up, one time, and say we give you another chance… not to be under WWE contract, but to do some matches on NXT so people can watch me, and I can make their guys look great!Does Triple H have the balls to put Teddy Hart on NXT? Thats the question I ask Triple H. I’ve never said a bad word about you. I think you’re one of the best wrestlers for the last 15 years, if you put Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Teddy Hart in a triple threat match, it would be better than the Chris Benoit match and it would happen right now. Even right now, Triple H is in better shape than he was before, and he’s watching NXT all the time so his mind is getting better for what wrestling really is.”  

“Will Ospreay is the future of wrestling. The best independent wrestler crossed with WWE wrestler is John Morrison, he’s done an awesome job. The best wrestler overall i’ve ever seen right now is Ricochet. Because Ricochet does every move in the world, and he’s wearing a mask now. which he never had a mask on before. He’s the best wrestler in the world. 

That’s in the whole world, in the history of wrestling. Put Ricochet #1, Neville #2 and put Tyson Kidd with a Broken neck at #3, cuz of his memory and his ability to make guys look good. El Generico #4, Samurai Del Sol #5 you can switch that order anytime. I’ll still keep AJ Styles in the top 10 of best wrestlers in the world.  AJ Styles to me, just about to maybe get those matches… Like Neville Vs AJ Styles should be awesome, Kevin Owens Vs Aj Styles should be good, Generico Vs AJ Styles should be good…Cena Vs AJ Styles will be good” 

The Kevin Gill Show (Your PMA Power Hour!)  is a weekly podcast interview series that is recorded IN PERSON and brings together people who are positive, people who are mental, and people who have attitude from the worlds of wrestling, music, and video games and sharing these in depth and candid discussions with the world.

