8 strongest Kengan Ashura characters, ranked

April 2024 · 4 minute read

Featuring gladiators, gruesome fights, and some of the most defined abs in all of anime, Kengan Ashura is a thrilling watch. Also, if reading manga is more your speed, you’re still guaranteed some epic storytelling regardless. Set in the underground world of corporate-sponsored gladiator battles, Kengan Ashura promises (and delivers) some incredibly vicious hand-to-hand sparring, but the character development by creator Yabako Sandrovich is undoubtedly a significant highlight. 

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As expected, when a bunch of strong warriors are pitted against each other, the question of “who is the strongest” arises.  While there are numerous warriors in the Kengan Association, there are eight standout characters who shine as the strongest of the bunch. In this world, where strength takes on several forms, these eight represent some of the pinnacle fighters in the series. Overall, any fan of martial arts and boxing anime won’t want to miss out on Kengan Ashura.

8. Julius Reinhold

Julius Reinhold, also known as the Berserker, is the fighter for Iwami Heavy Industries and Toyo Electric Power and Co. The towering and imposing fighter possesses incredible physical strength and uses brute force against his opponents. However, Reinhold is not just a brute, with muscles on his side. He also has extensive knowledge about the human body and its weaknesses and uses it to his advantage. This makes him nearly unstoppable in close combat. Julius’ brute force and resilience make him one of the most feared fighters in the Kengan Association, and one of the series’ most formidable characters.

7. Kaolang Wongsawat

Kaolang Wongsawat, also called the Thai God of War, is a fighter for Yato Trading Co. The fighter is a boxing and Muay Thai specialist who possesses exceptional speed and precision. Kaolang was the bodyguard of Thailand’s King Rama XIII and joined the competition at his king’s request. Kaolang uses boxing to compensate for the weaknesses of Muay Thai and this makes him a very tough opponent to beat in close combat.

6. Wakatsuki Takeshi

Wakatsuki Takeshi, also known as the Wild Tiger, is the affiliated fighter for Furumi Pharmaceuticals. He is known for his impressive muscle density and stamina. The fighter is said to have a whopping 309 wins and only 3 losses. Wakatsuki is a deadly assassin, whose mastery of the Blast Core technique allows him to deliver devastating blows to his opponents. Despite his friendly personality, the fighter is to be feared.

5. Kiyru Setsuna

Kiryu Setsuna, also known as the Beautiful Beast, is the affiliated fighter for Koyo Academy Group. He is a powerful and dangerous combatant who is known as a prodigy in martial arts. A master in stealth and infiltration, the assassin uses footwork that creates a vanishing illusion. This allows him to strike his opponents using the Rakshasa’s Palm technique that disfigures muscles and shatters bones. Overall, Kiryu’s speed and fighting techniques should be feared.

4. Kanoh Agito

Kanoh Agito, also known as the Fifth Fang of Metsudo, is a fighter for Dainippon Bank. He possesses the ability to mimic and adapt to his opponent’s fighting style which makes him a versatile and unpredictable combatant. He also has great stamina and endurance. With his ability to analyze and counter almost any technique thrown at him, his combat skills are constantly evolving. In the world of Kengan Ashura, only a few can match Kanoh.

3. Raian Kure


Raian Kure, also known as the Devil, is a member and fighter of the Kure Clan. He is known to thrive on chaos and destruction. Raian uses his Kure Clan Style: Demonsbane technique to enhance his physical abilities. He can also enter a berserker-like state known as Removal to further increase his power. Raian has an unpredictable nature and brutal fighting style that makes him a terrifying and formidable opponent. His battles are some of the most intense in the series. But then again, what would you expect from someone who’s nicknamed “the Devil?”

2. Ohma Tokita

Ohma Tokita, also known as the Ashura, is a fighter for Yamashita Trading Co. He is undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in the series. He has mastery of the Niko Style, a martial art that combines multiple combat techniques which makes him a force to be reckoned with. This relentless character also possesses exceptional reflexes and adaptability in battles that enable him to take on opponents much stronger and larger than himself and still come out on top. Ohma went from a wandering martial artist to a contender in the tournaments, and this showcases his incredible growth as a fighter.

1. Kuroki Gensai

Kuroki Gensei, also known as the Devil Lance, is a fighter for Motorhead Motors. He is another powerhouse in the Kengan Ashura universe. Kuroki is a highly skilled martial artist with decades of experience under his belt. He has mastery of the Kaiwan Style: Removal technique which grants him unparalleled offensive and defensive abilities. His battle with Ohma Tokita is one of the series’ most iconic showdowns.
