WWE Slam Crate Masters of the Mic Slam Stars Stone Cold Steve Austin Action Figure (Photos)

August 2024 · 4 minute read

Making his way to the WWE Slam Crate, the very first WWE Slam Stars action figure, Stone Cold Steve Austin!

For those of you unfamiliar, you may have seen it in Bill Pritchard’s latest review of the WWE Slam Crate, the very first figure in this new Loot Crate WWE Slam Crate exclusive series was released in their “Master of the Mic” crate. If you didn’t see what else is in this be sure to check out the video below.

This Austin figure is designed by 3D artist Brian Baity. He’s done some amazing work you can see on his Facebook page. Austin is one of four figures coming in each crate over the next few months. Triple H was revealed as the next one and you can see him here. Loot Crate revealed that each character will be from the Attitude Era and will come with a piece of the ring seen above to complete a full ring for the figures. Each figure stands around 4-inches tall.

Looking at Austin’s box you can see it has a pretty cool design. I do like the look of it although there’s no window, so you can’t physically see the actual figure inside besides the photos on the box. On the box it talks about the artist, Brian Baity, as well as shows the figure from multiple angles.

Once you open the box there’s a little sheet that shows you how to assemble the ring although it’s pretty self-explanatory in my opinion. You can also see the Triple H there, too. Austin comes in a plastic bubble to hold him securely in place, much like any action figure.

Once you remove him you can see all of his articulation, which is good and bad. I was pretty impressed with the amount of detail on these figures being that it’s the first. He has pretty decent articulation until you get to his arms. This is by far the biggest downfall to these figures as you can’t pose their arms whatsoever. They look like they move at the shoulder but they’re locked in place, which to me is a pretty strange design element. You can also turn his left wrist, as it has a swivel joint, but you can’t turn his right one, which is also quite odd. The other articulation on this figure; however, is fantastic. He has ball-jointed legs, double jointed knees and even ankle joints that go up and down, not to mention a ball-jointed neck. It’s really odd from a collector’s standpoint that Loot Crate decided not to give these arm articulation whatsoever. Austin’s necklace and vest are also accessories rather than being molded strictly to the figure, which is nice. The detail from his tattoos to graphics on his vest are great.

Overall, the figure is cool, it doesn’t feel cheap or anything and I really like the style of these, but the arms are such a letdown that it makes these figures better for display than anything else. Granted it says adult collector, but you’d think they’d let you fully pose them in their signature poses. It’s cool Austin has the beer can in his hand and all but unfortunately that isn’t removable either. I’ve seen the figure get a lot of heat on social media so if you don’t care for it due to lack of posing I understand. Let’s hope Triple H has arm joints but I’m going to say it’s highly unlikely.

If you’re interested in getting the Triple H one, as you can’t order Austin anymore unless you were to get him on eBay or elsewhere, you can use my unique link and code to on your order. You have to order via my link for the code to work. Hope that helps you out at least.
