Earlier today on their Investor Relations website, AMD posted notice of a new event. Dubbed “AMD Next Horizon”, the event is currently slated for November 6th – no time is provided – and this is all we know. In fact the event page is outright barren, containing nothing except the name of the event and the calendar links. No other details are provided regarding the content or who might be presenting this event.
Meanwhile, that this went up on the Investor Relations site is telling. US financial regulations require AMD to post notice of events where significant material information will be disclosed – meaning that when AMD announces new products or releases significant information about products, architectures, & roadmaps, they’re required to make that information accessible to investors. So whatever AMD is up to next week, it’s important enough to trigger those rules.
As for a best guess at just what AMD is up to, the name “Next Horizon” is notable because this is the second time AMD has used the “Horizon” moniker for an event. Almost two years ago, AMD held their “New Horizon” event, where the company disclosed for the first time the Ryzen brand name as well as revealing some basic information about the then-forthcoming Ryzen processors and related platform. So assuming this is an intentional pattern, then it stands to reason that we’re going to hear something about AMD’s Zen 2 plans next week. The company is intending to launch Zen 2 products in 2019, so an event now would be consistent with those plans.
As for AnandTech, we’ll have more on the matter if and when AMD releases anything else about the event. So stay tuned.
Update: As pointed out by some of our readers, AMD actually snuck a mention of this into last week's earnings conference call.
"AMD's next horizon event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 2018, where we will discuss innovation of AMD products and technology, specifically designed with the datacenter on industry leading 7-nanometer process technology."