AMD Releases Radeon Pro Software Enterprise Driver 17.Q4 WHQL: Unified Vega Pro Driver

July 2024 · 5 minute read

Last Thursday, the fourth Thursday of Q4, AMD has released Radeon Pro Software Enterprise Driver 17.Q4 WHQL, one year after AMD launched the Enterprise Driver program with 16.Q4. 17.Q4 includes all the new features previewed in the summer and released first as Radeon Pro Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10, namely the optional “Driver Options,” AMD Secure Processor support for Vega, and improved Radeon Pro ReLive. Succeeding both 17.10 and 17.10.1, 17.Q4 unifies support for all Vega professional products: Radeon Pro WX 9100, Radeon Pro SSG, and Radeon Vega Frontier Edition. As usual, 17.Q4 also supports select FirePro graphics and the rest of the Radeon Pro cards.

Update (11/17/17): AMD has released 17.Q4.1, fixing issues in PTC Cero, Solidworks, and more; see release notes for details.

To recap, AMD’s quarterly Radeon Pro Software Enterprise drivers are professional drivers and as such have ISV certification for a variety of workstation applications, as well as 24/7 Radeon Pro support. Enterprise customers receive additional Prioritized Support and may request “one driver” unified packages with support for both professional cards and select consumer Radeon products. Despite the “Enterprise” name, these drivers also apply to general professionals and supersede previous mid-quarterly Radeon Pro Software drivers.

As far as the new features go, “Driver Options” support (only available on Windows 10) has expanded to include all desktop Radeon Pro WX cards, as well as Vega FE. As only Vega-based Pro GPUs have a built-in AMD Secure Processor, the corresponding security features are now supported for WX 9100, SSG, and Vega FE. 17.Q4 also brings pass-through and MxGPU virtualization support for Citrix XenApp. Relatedly, 17.Q4 also offers technical preview support for VMware vSphere 6.5 Linked Clones.

Note that the SSG is currently only compatible with Windows 10, and that all three Vega-based professional cards do not currently support Windows 2016. Additionally, 17.Q4 does not support Multi-GPU Single Large Surface on Windows 10 on any hardware. For Linux support, details can be found in the release notes for Radeon Pro Software Enterprise Driver 17.Q4 for Linux.

Bug Fixes and Resolved Issues

17.Q4 has a number of bug fixes and identified issues, some of them specific to Vega or VDI. For resolved issues, AMD documents the following:

Known Issues

ISV Certification Notes

The updated drivers for AMD’s professional workstation GPUs are available online at the AMD’s professional graphics driver download page. More information on this update and further issues can be found in the Radeon Pro Software Enterprise Driver 17.Q4 release notes.

New Radeon Pro Software Enterprise Drivers are released on the fourth Thursday of the quarter. The next releases will follow on January 25th 2018 and April 26th 2018.
