American Idol season 21 episode 2: Release date, air time, and contestants

October 2024 · 2 minute read

Episode 2 of American Icon season 21 will air on ABC this Sunday, February 26, at 8 pm ET. Fans will actually want to stream the two-extended episode on Hulu after the TV debut.

The episode will include the second round of tryouts where makes a decision about Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie will conclude which of the competitors will push ahead to the Hollywood Week challenge and who will be sent home.

The 14 auditionees will make an honest effort to dazzle the adjudicators with their singing ability while playing out a unique or cover tune.

“With assistance from whiz passes judgment on Luke Bryan, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie, watchers set out on a cross country search across New Orleans, Las Vegas and Nashville to track down the following singing sensation. Emmy Grant winning host and maker Ryan Seacrest hosts.”Who will be the hopefuls introduce in American Icon season 21 episode 2?

The 14 American Icon contenders displayed in this episode tried out at the Waldorf Astoria Las Vegas. The auditionees made an honest effort to dazzle the adjudicators and get a brilliant ticket, which would imply that they have progressed to the main round of Hollywood week, which will be highlighted conceivably in 4 to 5 weeks.

One fortunate vocalist could try and win a Platinum ticket, and that implies that the artist will consequently progress to the second round of Hollywood week. As found in a promotion of American Symbol season 21, Jon Wayne Hatfield uncovered that he has proactively accepted his brilliant ticket.

The 21-year-old artist honored his grandma and granddad for raising him since he was 5 while his mom battled with fixation. He played out a unique tune, Let me know Beam, which was about his granddad. He likewise shared that he lost his grandma a long time back, which left his granddad crushed and reluctant to talk with anybody for over a year.

1) Aiden Adair Old neighborhood Obscure Instagram handle-@aidenadairofficial 2) Alessandra Aguirre Old neighborhood Peru Instagram handle-@_alessandraaguirre

3) Ashley Mug Old neighborhood Durham, Britain Instagram handle-@ashleytankardmusic 4) Caroline Kole Old neighborhood Houston, Texas Instagram handle-@carolinekole
