It's been close to a week since Moonbin passed away, and those close to the former K-pop idol, including members of ASTRO, are grieving and processing the loss in their own way. All members (including Rocky) attended his private funeral, as did his family members and close friends.
For a multitude of grieving fans, ASTRO's agency, Fantagio, organized a memorial where they could leave notes and flowers, and mourn the late singer in their own way. According to a notice by Fantagio, the memorial will be up until April 30, 2023.
Many of the ASTRO singer-songwriter's close friends and idols from the K-pop industry have also visited the memorial site near the agency, penning letters for him. All ASTRO members also wrote messages to him and fans who visited the site and found them have been posting pictures of the same on Twitter.
ASTRO says its heartbreaking goodbye to Moonbin via letters at his memorial near Fantagio
1) MJ penned a short letter asking the late singer for forgiveness
MJ has been completing his military service since May 2022. When he heard the news, he applied for leave and was at the mortuary the next day to be with the other members and family.
In his letter to his dongsaeng, MJ apologized for being far away from Moonbin, saying that he was remorseful that he could not protect him.
Despite only being a few lines long, ASTRO's eldest member conveyed his grief, making fans emotional.
2) JinJin wrote his letter about living with a smile as Moonbin did
JinJin was reportedly assisting with the funeral arrangements along with Sanha, as they were the members closest to Seoul at the time. Based on his letter, it seems as though the ASTRO member wished to pass on the positivity that Moonbin radiated throughout his life.
After saying that he would try to stay happy, JinJin added that he would soon resume practices for his musical while staying healthy. He also wrote that he would take care of Moon Sua (the late singer's sister) and their parents so the Moment of Eighteen actor need not worry.
3) Cha Eun-woo composed a tribute to the late idol, taking responsibility for what was left behind
Cha Eun-woo was in America when the news broke, and the actor flew back as soon as he came to know of the same. When he arrived the next day, fans condemned the paparazzi for trying to get a glimpse of the ASTRO member at the airport because he was grieving.
Eun-woo started by calling Moonbin a bad guy, but added that he missed the "little things" he did with the young singer. He said he was hopeful that he would be happier in the "moon land".
The True Beauty star ended by saying that he (Bin) worked hard in life, and that he loved him.
The 1997-born singer also dedicated lyrics from an ASTRO song (We Still) to Bin, as they called him, promising to be with him and protect him if they "meet again in any other time".
4) Sanha wrote about missing him and apologized for feeling sad
Yoon San-ha was probably the closest member to Moonbin in the last couple of months as the duo were touring various cities in Asia to promote their unit's comeback, Incense. ASTRO's maknae helped with the funeral arrangements and was the first to reach out along with JinJin.
Considering that they had been traveling and living together for the last few months, Sanha spoke about how he misses Moonbin and still sometimes imagines seeing the older ASTRO member in front of his eyes. Sanha also promised that he would remain happy, as the Let's Go Ride vocalist often told him to be.
6) Rocky penned his message reminiscing about the past and requesting a chat with his hyung, even if it is to be in dreamland
When Rocky decided not to renew his contract with Fantagio and left ASTRO earlier this year, fans were saddened but agreed to support all six individuals in their future endeavors.
The former member of the group was very close to Moonbin and talked about their relationship in his letter displayed at the memorial site.
Rocky (or Min-hyuk) recalled the 13 years that he spent together and the countless memories that he made with Moonbin, who made things seem fun even when times were tough.
He added that he was unsure how he would be able to dance or share his worries without the Boys Over Flowers actor around. He was hoping to meet his hyung in his dreams so they could talk again.
Apart from ASTRO members, several K-pop idols wrote messages to Moonbin, including SEVENTEEN's Wonwoo, who expressed regret for being unable to comfort "Bin" and said that Wonwoo's late mother would lead the younger idol well.
Fans who wish to pay homage to Moonbin can visit Fantagio's memorial for the late idol till the end of this month.
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