Bachelor Episode 3 Recap: Kelly Slams Kat, Juan Pablo Kisses Sharleen

June 2024 · 7 minute read

Note to all future Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants: Do not apply to be on this show unless you are prepared to see the person you like make out with someone else on a soccer field. Somehow, 18 seasons into the series, people continue to be surprised/upset that the person they're dating is also dating several other people. Case in point? Episode three of Juan Pablo's "aventura" — the first episode to air since his "misunderstood" controversial comments about having a gay Bachelor — brought two jealous breakdowns (one from Sharleen, and one from Clare), plus some not-insignificant trash talking by Kelly and Elise. (Last week's tailspins came courtesy of Victoria and Cassandra, so at least they're taking turns.) 

Speaking of Cassandra…she's the lucky recipient of this week's first Juan-on-one date card! It seems Juan Pablo is honoring his promise to be quick about figuring out his feelings for her and Renee, since they both have sons waiting at home for them.

The date begins with a ride in a colorful, painted, Jeep-like vehicle, which "el Bachelor Latino" drives to the beach — and then straight into the water! He's not trying to end the date early, though; it turns out to be one of those amphibious Panther models from WaterCar, and it's taking them to a yacht for some offshore canoodling.

"My last first date was three years ago," Cassandra says. "And this is way more fun than I ever experienced."

The rest of their outing is actually refreshingly normal (if you ignore the camera crew, of course). Juan Pablo takes Cassandra to his house in L.A., where they cook dinner and share pictures of their kids. ("The last time a guy cooked for me was…never," she admits, after reminding us for the third or fourth time that she hasn't had a first date since she was 18.)

After dinner, Juan Pablo tells Cassandra that he's been thinking a lot about her situation and doesn't want to keep her around if he's not going to develop feelings for her. It almost sounds like he's gearing up to send her home, but he's actually just trying to build suspense before giving her the date rose. (She accepts, obviously.) "The last time I felt this way about a guy was three years ago," she gushes. "It's pretty awesome that I could be looking at my future husband." 

Not so fast, Cassandra! There are still 14 other girls competing for his attention, and 10 of them — Kelly, Renee, Sharleen, Danielle, Alli, Lauren, Andi, Christy, Lucy, and Nikki — are going on a group date with Juan Pablo. Their activity du jour? A cutthroat soccer match at StubHub Center, home of the L.A. Galaxy. 

Once on the field, the ladies are split into two teams: Nikki, Lauren, Danielle, Lucy, and Kelly on the red team; Renee, Sharleen, Alli, Andi, and Christy on the blue team. Sharleen takes a few hits to the face throughout the game, but it's pretty tame otherwise, and the red team ends up winning.

No matter, though, because both the winners and losers are invited to a post-game cocktail party. Nikki gets the first bit of Juan-on-one time of the night, which she uses to express her fears about getting hurt. He reassures her that he wants her there, and tells her she has something he likes — some "no se que" appeal. They end their time together with a hug, not a kiss, but she's confident in their "connection."

A few minutes later, however, Juan Pablo is busy "connecting" with someone else. First he makes out with Andi in the back of a concession stand, and then he makes out with Sharleen in the middle of the pitch — which the rest of the ladies watch jealously from above. Both are sure they're shoo-ins for the rose. But they're wrong. He ends up giving the coveted bud to Nikki, which leaves everyone else (but especially Sharleen) upset and insecure.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Elise is throwing some serious shade at Chelsie, who just scored the final Juan-on-one date of the week. "She doesn't seem like a woman," Elise says bitterly. "She seems like a baby. I don't know if having another daughter is what [Juan Pablo] wants." (In fact, as Kat later points out, 27-year-old Elise is only three years older than Chelsie.)

In any case, Chelsie's date with Juan Pablo gets off to a fun start. They engage in a little goofy car-dancing before chowing down on some yummy-looking Venezuelan food…but things take a turn after that. Next on the agenda is tandem bungee jumping, which Chelsie describes as "the high dive on crack." She makes it onto the ledge but then freaks out and starts crying, telling Juan Pablo she's not sure she can go through with it. "I'm truly terrified," she says, sobbing into his arms. 

Juan Pablo, for his part, is very understanding about the whole situation. He tells her they don't have to do it — which actually makes her want to. (Well, maybe "want" is a strong word.) "He's so sincere in saying, 'You don't have to do this. It's not going to ruin the day if we don't do this,'" Chelsie explains in a confessional. "Once I realized that he was so sincere in giving me both options, I realized I could trust him."

Ultimately, they make the jump, which they then celebrate with a steamy smooch. "I've never had a first kiss hanging upside-down off a bridge. So that is about as epic as a first kiss gets," she gushes. "I think if we can jump off a bridge together, we can pretty much get through anything."

From there, they head to Pasadena City Hall for a romantic dinner and a private concert by Billy Currington. "It's been a great date," Juan Pablo tells her. "I appreciate your courage and your trust. And I got to learn a lot about you tonight. So, Chelsie…will you accept this rose?"

The next morning, Juan Pablo sneaks into the girls' kitchen to cook a Venezuelan breakfast for them — and to see what they look like "with no makeup and no hair done." Kelly, the first one downstairs, is not thrilled to be caught unawares, but Renee is much less self-conscious about the situation. Despite not having brushed her teeth yet, she strolls confidently over to Juan Pablo and gives him a hug. "Renee's just natural, man," he says. "She's not worried about coming in and going up and fixing her hair, and she's gorgeous." 

After breakfast, Juan Pablo announces that he's canceling that evening's cocktail party in favor of a less-stuffy pool party. It's all fun and games until Kat climbs onto Juan Pablo's shoulders for a chicken fight, thus flipping some kind of jealousy switch in all the other ladies. "Kat is trying too hard," Kelly scoffs. "Juan Pablo's head was in her crotch for 20 minutes. I think you need to be a little more considerate, because there are 14 other girls, and you look like a whore."

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Sharleen, still reeling from not getting the date rose after her makeout session at the soccer stadium, is less spiteful but no less upset. "It's safe to say that this moment, I'm questioning whether I'm the right kind of girl for Juan Pablo," she confesses. Later, she complains to him that there are "so many cameras" trying to zoom in on her face and look into her soul — and her soul "wants to be left alone!" Naturally, he tries to comfort her by taking her into his arms in a hug, which she strategically transitions into a kiss. He ends it quickly, visibly uncomfortable with the fact that the other ladies can see him, but it's too late: Clare is already crying in the bathroom.

After a couple of quick pep talks from both Juan Pablo and Renee — who has been mediating tantrums left and right since the premiere — Clare pulls it together…and not a moment too soon, since Chris Harrison is here to tell the ladies to get ready for the rose ceremony. Cassandra, Nikki, and Chelsie are safe, of course, as are Andi, Renee, Kelly, Sharleen, Elise, Kat, Alli, Clare, Lauren, and Danielle, which means Lucy and Christy are out.

Tell Us: Do you think he sent the right ladies home?
