Batman v Superman Trailer Debuts Early After Leaking Online: Video

May 2024 · 3 minute read

UPDATE: Following the leak of the trailer earlier this week, Warner Bros. Pictures released the official video via YouTube. Watch it below and tell Us what you think!

This is what we call a sneak peek leak! The new trailer for Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice leaked late Thursday, April 16, ahead of its scheduled debut date of April 20. The movie director shared a teaser from the upcoming trailer this week, telling fans to reserve their spots.

Confirmed 4.20.15 #BatmanvSuperman @IMAX special teaser screening events. Limited space. RSVP

— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 16, 2015

"Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy?" asks a voice in the opening seconds of the shaky, cell phone-quality video, which includes Portuguese subtitles.

Other voices chime in with comments about corruption, chaos, and leadership. "We as a population on this planet have been looking for a savior," remarks one person, while another notes: "Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power."

Holly Hunter also comments on the matter. "The world has been so caught up with what he can do that no one has asked what he should do," she says of Superman (played by Henry Cavill). The clip also reveals the first footage of Ben Affleck as the caped crusader.

"Tell me," Batman challenges Superman in his trademark husky voice. "Do you bleed? Because you will."

The preview does not include appearances from cast superheroes including Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), and Aquaman (Jason Momoa) — but it definitely prompted reaction from the Internet.


Just watched the leaked BATMAN V SUPERMAN trailer and… Boy. That is everything I don't like about superhero movies crammed into one trailer.

— Eric Stirpe (@stirpicus) April 17, 2015

The Batman v Superman trailer leaked yesterday. And now on to news people care about, the Force Awakens in 245 days.

— Darth Vader (@DepressedDarth) April 17, 2015

The full Batman V. Superman trailer leaked online but I was too busy writing JJ Abrams a thank you note.

— TODD SPENCE (@Todd_Spence) April 17, 2015

Batman vs. Superman trailer looks like trash. Those movies take themselves way too seriously.

— Kirk (@KirkSeriousFace) April 17, 2015

"Do you bleed? You will." This isn't just Frank Miller Batman, this is Frank Miller's Goddamn Batman.

— Jamelle Bouie (@jbouie) April 17, 2015


That's Batman v. Superman Trailer looked dope. Ben don't look bad in that Batman suit. His voice is a little roboty though.

— Devon Clark (@D_iiCe) April 17, 2015

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Finally seen the #BatmanvSuperman trailer yes I'm in for this @BenAffleck looks badass as the new Batman I'm always #DCComics over #Marvel ????

— EstherA (@SuperstarE3) April 17, 2015
