Pedialyte) and Fast Twitch (aka Gatorade energy drinks). We weren’t able to hit all of the flavors of Gatorlyte and Fast Twitch—some are surprisingly hard to track down—but the competition was still fierce. Ultimately, one Gatorade flavor does reign supreme.
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Fast Twitch Strawberry Watermelon AmazonWalmartI’m going to be quick and as impartial as I can with these flavors of Fast Twitch Gatorade energy drink, which you will notice have mostly landed at the bottom of the list. The good? Gatorade energy drinks have 100% of your daily B vitamins, 0 sugar, and only 10 calories. They also don’t have carbonation, which some people definitely prefer! The bad? They taste far sweeter than most energy drinks. Strawberry Watermelon is the worst offender. It’s cloying. That being said, if you don’t like the taste of other energy drinks (Monster, Red Bull, etc.) because they’re carbonated and (often) contain a lot of sugar, these might just be for you. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Fast Twitch Cool Blue AmazonWalmartNot everyone likes Cool Blue, and I understand that, but as the resident blue-flavored beverage lover on the Sporked team, this made me sad. They turned a flavor known for being crisp and refreshing into cloying syrup. “Cool Blue” is totally lost; it’s all artificial sweeteners, like sucralose. But if you like to add three packets of Sweet‘N Low or Splenda to your coffee each morning (no judgment), hey, this might be the best Gatorade flavor for you. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorlyte WatermelonAmazonAnyone who likes the taste of Pedialyte will have no problem with the salt-heavy (490mg), stevia-sweetened Gatorlyte and Gatorlyte Zero series. But finding the best Gatorlyte flavor really comes down to how well the fruit flavors pair with those salty electrolytes. Of all the Gatorlyte flavors, Watermelon tastes the most fake. Again, I’m extra saddened by this—watermelon sprinkled with salt is one of the best snacks you can have! In theory, this should be the best Gatorlyte flavor, not the worst! Make it make sense, Gatorade. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Amazon
Fast Twitch GrapeAmazonHey, at least you can taste the tart grape in this Gatorade Fast Twitch flavor. That’s nice. Is it still overwhelmingly sweet for an energy drink? Yeah. But some people like that, and who am I to tell them any differently? —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Amazon
Gatorlyte Cherry LimeAmazonWalmartThey should probably just rename this “cherry,” because you won’t get any lime here. That said, the cherry isn’t medicinal, which I can appreciate—especially for a line of “recovery” beverages. It sort of tastes like a Jolly Rancher that you dissolved in ocean water. Make of that what you will. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorlyte Zero Fruit PunchAmazonWalmartThis isn’t the tart, sweet, stain-your-mouth-red fruit punch we all know and love. You get a little bit of punch, a lot of sugar substitute, and a boatload of salt. It’s a bastardization of fruit punch, and I simply won’t stand for it! —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Fast Twitch Glacier Freeze AmazonWalmartGlacier Freeze tastes slightly saltier than the other three Gatorade energy drinks, and that added salinity balances out the stevia Gatorlyte sweetness a bit, which is a good thing. You can really taste the berry! It’s the best Gatorade Fast Twitch flavor by a mile. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorlyte OrangeAmazonWalmartOrange is absolutely the most potent flavor in the Gatorlyte series. If you don’t like orange beverages, skip this. Personally, I appreciate how the citrus tang masks the sweet and salty electrolyte aftertaste. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorade Fierce Blue Cherry Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetBlue Cherry is the worst blue Gatorade. It tastes medicinal rather than fruity. When you’re buying blue Gatorade, make sure you do not accidentally buy this one! It’s one of the worst Gatorade flavors (of the classic Thirst Quencher variety). —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Strawberry Watermelon Thirst QuencherInstacartAlbertsonsThis Gatorade flavor is too fake tasting. It tastes like artificial watermelon and strawberry. It’s like drinking candy (and not in a good way). —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Fierce Strawberry Thirst QuencherAmazonInstacartOnce again, Gatorade does not do strawberry well. Steer clear of any Gatorade flavor that starts with “straw” and ends with “berry.” —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorlyte Zero Lemon LimeAmazonWalmartWe’re big fans of the Thirst Quencher Lemon Lime flavor, and luckily, some of that translates into the Gatorlyte version. One sip hits you immediately with the lemon and then finishes brightly with a pop of lime. But you have to like acidity to really enjoy this—and frankly, unless lemon-flavored drinks are super crisp and refreshing, they can pale in comparison to other fruity beverages. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorlyte Strawberry KiwiAmazonWalmartWe’re obviously not fans of the strawberry flavor in Gatorade, but Strawberry Kiwi Gatorlyte has defied all odds. This carries just the right amount of sweetness, thanks to the bright, slightly acidic kiwi. This tastes more rounded and palatable overall, close to a Strawberry Kiwi Snapple. But you could also say it tastes like a boxed juice you would give a six year old, so. I might just have the taste buds of a six year old. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorlyte Mixed BerryAmazonWalmartGatorlyte Mixed Berry has depth, mystery, intrigue. There’s almost something spicy in here, like mulled wine. The tart berry balances the salty-sweet electrolytes quite nicely and makes it, in my opinion, easily the best Gatorlyte flavor. —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorade Fierce Green Apple Thirst QuencherAmazonGreen Apple Gatorade tastes decent! It’s not the best Gatorade flavor, but it’s certainly not the worst Gatorade flavor. It has a little bit of a bite and it’s sweet. If you’re a big fan of green apple, this will do! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Midnight Ice Thirst QuencherWalmartHey, guys, listen. Taste is subjective. Our review of this new Gatorade Thirst Quencher flavor was not the most favorable. I completely agree that this has an incredibly mild flavor that’s hard to pinpoint. But personally, I find it very refreshing and crisp. Here’s a hot take for the weirdos like me: It tastes like what I imagine dry ice would taste like, if dry ice tasted good. I also felt kinda cool drinking it? Anyways, if you like crisp, cooling, grape-adjacent beverages that don’t punch you in the face with fruity flavor, try it! (Seriously. It’s limited edition, so you don’t have that long.) —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
Gatorade Cool Blue Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetCool Blue is a good blue Gatorade. In terms of Gatorade flavors, however, it sits in the middle. It doesn’t stand out as much as some of the others, but it certainly tastes good. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Fierce Melon Thirst QuencherRalphsI was surprised by the melon Gatorade flavor. It tastes like a watermelon Jolly Rancher. That said, it’s not so delicious that it would turn a melon hater into a melon lover. Melon lovers will love this, though! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Frost Arctic Blitz Thirst QuencherAmazonVonsArctic Blitz is another flavor that is pleasantly mild. The bottle describes it as “crisp” and “cool,” and I would agree with that assessment. It’s supposed to be watermelon honeydew flavor. I couldn’t pick up either of those flavor profiles and neither of those things are Arctic. I don’t understand the name, but I like the taste! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Frost Icy Charge Thirst QuencherAmazonRalphsSimilar to Arctic Blitz, Icy Charge doesn’t taste like its alleged flavor (pineapple lime) to me. I just mostly get a pleasant sweetness that I like a lot. I actually really enjoy these Franken-flavors that don’t taste like the fruits they were supposedly inspired by. It’s like a fun surprise! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Fruit Punch Thirst QuencherTargetYou can’t go wrong with a standard fruit punch and this is about as standard as it gets. You get a hint of cherry, a hint of citrus, and a hint of pineapple. While it’s not the best fruit punch if you want big, bold “red” flavor, it is a tasty choice when it comes to Gatorade flavors. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Frost Riptide Rush Thirst QuencherAmazonInstacartIt’s my understanding that Gatorade Riptide is grape-mixed berry. I love grape-flavored things, so I wish Riptide was more grapey, but a lot of people hate grape, so I’m assuming that’s why it’s so mild. It is a very middle-of-the-road, easy, uncontroversial grape item and that’s why it ranks so high on this list. This is a grape for people who don’t necessarily go ga-ga for grape, and I think that’s interesting! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Lemonade Thirst QuencherWalmartLemonade Gatorade is good. It’s not as good as Lemon-Lime Gatorade, though. And it’s certainly not as good as actual lemonade, but it’s good. If you are really craving both lemonade and Gatorade, this is for you. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Fierce Grape Thirst QuencherAmazonVonsOnce again, I like grape! This Grape Gatorader is for grape lovers. It’s like grape medicine mixed with water, which I know isn’t for everyone, but it does appeal to a certain audience. And that audience is me! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Lightning Blast Thirst QuencherGatoradeIf you can find this Gatorade flavor at your local Circle K, jump on it. You won’t be able to judge by its cloudy color, but the flavor is super unique. It’s a blend of melon-citrus-yogurt that will remind you of those yummy Japanese specialty drinks. Lightning Blast is limited edition and ridiculously hard to pin down, so don’t miss your chance to try it! —Ariana Losch
Credit: Liv Averett / Gatorade
Gatorade Lime Cucumber Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetI was shocked by Lime Cucumber Gatorade. It actually tastes like lime and cucumber! If that doesn’t sound appealing to you, just try it! It’s super refreshing and light. It tastes like spa water, which is pretty unexpected for a Gatorade flavor. Set aside your apprehension about guzzling vegetable-flavored drinks and try it. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Frost Glacier Cherry Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetI don’t even like cherry-flavored drinks, but I must admit that this is one of the best Gatorade flavors. It’s a well-balanced cherry that doesn’t taste medicinal. This cherry will appeal to cherry lovers and turn anyone who’s anti-cherry into a lover of the tiny red stone fruit. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Orange Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetAnother classic that hits hard. Orange is citrusy without being astringent. It’s like mild Tang. Plus, since it’s orange, I feel like I’m getting a boost of vitamin C. Orange Gatorade doesn’t actually contain vitamin C (nor do any Gatorade Thirst Quencher flavors). It’s just a placebo effect and it’s working on me! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Frost Glacier Freeze Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetGlacier Freeze is my blue Gatorade. It’s a light berry flavor that kind of tastes like a blue raspberry Slurpee melted down and mixed with water (and I mean that in a good way). This is also my favorite Franken-flavor of all the Gatorade Franken-flavors. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Lemon-Lime Thirst QuencherAmazonTargetLemon Lime is one of the best Gatorade flavors because it is one of the most flavorful Gatorade flavorst. My big issue with Gatorade is that it isn’t flavorful enough in general. Thankfully, Lemon-Lime gives both lemon and lime. This OG Gatorade flavor is still around for a reason. —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade
Gatorade Passion Fruit Thirst QuencherInstacartI honestly could not believe this was Gatorade. It is so flavorful! If you put boba in this, I would believe it was from a local bubble tea place. Gatorade Passion Fruit is sweet, fruity, and tropical. If you can find this Gatorade flavor, grab it immediately. It’s the best Gatorade flavor—trust us! We tried them all! —Jordan Myrick
Credit: Merc / Gatorade