Best LaCroix Flavors: Crack Open a Can of Our 10 Favorites

August 2024 · 6 minute read

When it comes to the best LaCroix flavors, things get a pret-ty subjective. In general, everyone has flavors they prefer more than others. Some people gravitate towards citrus fruits, others like tropical flavors, and some people drink yak piss, so, you know, to each their own. 

But what makes a LaCroix flavor good? The way I see it, it should be refreshing, it should be discernible from similar flavors, and it shouldn’t taste like a lab-developed amalgam of chemical compounds. And although the classics are great, I personally think certain flavors should get props for creativity…if they work. I know, I know. There’s a whole meme about how LaCroix doesn’t taste much like anything at all, but the best LaCroix flavors will keep you sipping, even if it’s kind of like a fruit is whispering to you from another room.

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best lacroix flavor

Best of the Best


I love agreeing with Rhett & Link on things, A.) because they are nice men and I respect their opinions, and B.) because they are the bosses of me. When they did a best LaCroix flavors taste test on Good Mythical Morning back in 2018, Lime took the top spot. Part of their reasoning was that Lime just makes sense as a flavor of sparkling water, and I totally agree. To me this tastes like a good seltzer with a squeeze of real lime juice. It’s bright and refreshing and also happens to pair very nicely with liquor—vodka, gin, and even whiskey. And it’s a crowd pleaser. If you have a 12-pack of this flavor in your fridge, no one is going to complain, and that makes it the best LaCroix flavor you can buy.

Credit: Liv Averett / Target




best la croix flavors

Best Flavor Pairing


This is one of the flavors that scored creativity points for me. Peach-Pear kind of seems like it would have been a Bath & Body Works fragrance in the late ‘90s (I mean, maybe it was?), but it works as a sparkling water, too. Weirdly, LaCroix doesn’t have a straight-up peach flavor (Waterloo does and we love it), but the peach flavor comes through nicely and melds well with the pear flavor. There’s a lot of perceived sweetness here, so it’s the best flavor of LaCroix if you’re looking for something that feels like a treat. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Amazon




best citrus flavored lacroix

Best Citrus (Yellow)


I know, I know. Lemon LaCroix. Snooze alert, right? Well, slap yourself awake and hear me out: Lemon LaCroix is good. Not as good as Lime LaCroix, but quite good. The lemon flavor is tart and authentic, albeit a little bit less subdued than the lime flavor. Still, this makes an excellent mixer and a good all-purpose LaCroix to have in the fridge. Oh and if you’re ever in a situation where you have to choose between Lemon and Limoncello, opt for Lemon. (Limoncello is too weird.)

Credit: Liv Averett / Target




best lacroix flavors

Best Citrus (Orange)


I did a head-to-head taste-off between Tangerine LaCroix and Orange LaCroix, and the Tangerine came out on top. The tangerine flavoring has that rounder, sweeter, softer quality that differentiates tangerines from oranges. I put in my notes that Tangerine tastes “smaller” than Orange. I know what that means, and that’s all that matters. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Target 




best la croix flavors

Best for the Beach


Given that LaCroix is based in Wisconsin rather than France (I’m saying that with a long, soft A), the fact that they call their watermelon sparkling water “Pasteque” comes off as more than a little hoity-toity. But this LaCroix flavor is so refreshing and so drinkable that I’ll let it slide. It sort of marries fake watermelon flavor and real watermelon flavor, so I can see it appealing to people in both the Watermelon Jolly Rancher and fresh watermelon paleta camps. This is the best LaCroix flavor for Fourth of July barbecues, long days at the beach, and, why the hell not, upsettingly cold winter days when you need to be reminded that summer will return and life won’t be a nightmare forever. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Instacart




best la croix flavors

Best Dark Horse


Coconut may be the most controversial LaCroix flavor. I truly hated it when I first tried it. Like, who wants to drink something that tastes like fizzy suntan lotion? But then I just kept drinking it because one of my friends always has it in his fridge and it grew on me like a little tropical-flavored fungus. This is an excellent sip on a hot day. It’s beachy and refreshing and mild and almost feels more thirst quenching than other flavors, just because we know coconuts are magical that way. Even if you’ve hated this in the past, consider giving it another shot.

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




best la croix flavors

Best Tropical

Guava Sao PauloTargetInstacart

I don’t know that I’ve ever consumed fresh guava (and I’ve definitely never been to Sao Paulo), so I may not be the authority here, but I just love how juicy this Sao Paulo Guava LaCroix tastes. In my guava-consuming experience (which largely consists of cream cheese and guava pastries from Cuban and Mexican bakeries) this doesn’t necessarily taste like guava, but it certainly has guava vibes. The pretty pink can is kind of irresistible too. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Target




best berry lacroix

Best Berry


As a person who does not love generic “berry” or “mixed berry” flavored things—like, c’mon, commit to a damn berry!—this LaCroix was a pleasant surprise! The flavor is mild and refreshing and leans, I’d say, toward the darker berries in the bunch (blueberries, blackberries). My absolute favorite sparkling water is Strawberry Spindrift; this doesn’t quite compare, but it’ll do in a pinch. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Ralphs




best lacroix flavors

Best Stone Fruit


This is Sporked editor-in-chief Justine Sterling’s favorite LaCroix, and I’m including it on this list because I respect her opinion. Is it for me? No. I won’t go off too much, but I wrote in my notes that it tastes like someone’s bad breath after they ate a peach. But in the absence of a Peach flavor (and if the Peach-Pear is too much for you), this works nicely.

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




best lacroix flavors

Best Crowd Pleaser


I couldn’t make a list of the best LaCroix flavors without including the granddaddy of them all, now could I? This ubiquitous citrus flavor was voted most popular and most likely to succeed in high school, and it has indeed grown into a successful well-liked adult with lots of friends and a loyal fanbase. It’s a classic for a reason. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Target




Other products we tried: Limoncello, Beach Plum, Mango, Hi-Biscus, Orange, Passion Fruit, Cherry Blossom
