The Best Thai Lays Flavors You Can Buy Online

August 2024 · 3 minute read

Lay’s are international, baby. The legendary chip brand is popular all over the world, but perhaps no other country has embraced Lay’s and its flavor possibilities like Thailand. The company’s Thai branch, which does most of its manufacturing in the Lamphun province, has rolled out a variety of flavors reflecting the tastes and trends of Southeast Asia. And the best news of all? They’re readily available online for purchase here in the U.S.

Buying international snacks is a great way to affordably sample flavors from across the globe. Chips don’t taste the same everywhere, as Rhett & Link have covered. And Thai Lay’s definitely don’t taste exactly like American Lay’s. For one, they’re not as greasy. Plus, they’re a bit thicker. So if you’re craving the the Lay’s you’re accustomed to, you might be a bit disappointed. But still, the variety of flavors is something to celebrate.

Here are five flavors of Thai Lay’s chips that I tried and loved. 

Lay’s Nori SeaweedBuy from Amazon

These chips are nothing short of miraculous. They are dense with umami, and have a deep savoriness that gives them a meaty feel. Chips are supposed to be salty and addictive, and these Lay’s adhere to that rule. If you crave the salty, somewhat fishy, ocean-like mineral taste of seaweed, you’ll love these. They’re just saturated with flavor.

Lay’s 3-in-1 Salmon Chili LimeBuy from Amazon

These chips immediately made me say “whoa” to myself. You just don’t get flavors like this in the U.S. The chili and lime flavor is beautiful. It’s so tangy and tasty, and the spice level is spot on. The salmon is subtle, but it’s there. It’s more of a salmon aftertaste, if that makes sense. Very lovely.

Lay’s Sweet BasilBuy from Amazon

These are rippled, very much like a Ruffles, and have a subtly sweet, herby, and earthy flavor that is quite enjoyable. There’s a bit of spicy kick on the back end, too. They’re really tasty, and they’re structured in such a way that you can pair them with some dip. Putting out some ridged, Thai-flavored chips and dip at a party is a baller move, if you ask me.

Lay’s Mieng Kam Krob RosBuy from Amazon

This is a beautifully sweet and savory snack. The lime flavor is really nice and doesn’t taste like citric acid. The shrimp flavor is mellow. And there’s some pepper and peanut flavor in there, too, along with cilantro. These chips are inspired by a traditional southeast Asian snack called mieng kam, which consists of wrapping leaves filled with things like chile, peanuts, and cabbage. 

Lay’s Hot Chili Squid FlavorBuy from Amazon

In terms of a fish taste and chili kick, I much prefer the salmon chili lime chips But the Lay’s hot squid flavor is still quite nice. It’s got a grilled, smoky vibe going on and the chili isn’t too overpowering. If you fiend for spicy chips and unusual flavors, give these a whirl. 
