In 51 days, the city of Bettendorf will celebrate a day that comes around just once in a century — the date that matches its ZIP code, 52722, May 27, 2022.

That will kick off a week of special events. “As this is a community-wide celebration, there will be lots of events going on that day, and throughout the following week,” Bettendorf economic development director Jeff Reiter said this week. “We have over 50 businesses already signed up to participate and we expect many more to come on board.
“So we expect lots of live music, entertainment, contests and open house celebrations…Should be a great time in Bettendorf!” he said. The city just launched the ZIP Code event website,, as a central hub for everything that’s planned.

The 5/27/22 fun will start early, on April 22, with the first 5272(BREW) tapping at 5ive Cities Brewing, 2255 Falcon Ave., Bettendorf. The city is teaming up with all five breweries in Bettendorf and each will brew their very own tribute to Bettendorf as part of the ZIP Code Day event. The next one will be held May 13 at Crawford Brew Works, 3659 Devils Glen Road.
838 Boutique (838 Middle Road, at Duck Creek Plaza) is putting together a spectacular gift basket for some lucky person who visits 838 Boutique on 5-27-22. You can meet five boutique vendors, and have a chance to win a basket with 27 gift items valued at well over $220.
One major weeklong event will be Bettendorf’s Scavenger Hunt, where people can be entered in a drawing to win one of ten $527.22 cash prizes.
Beginning on May 27, and running through noon on June 3, 2022, you can pick up your Scavenger Hunt passport at Bettendorf’s City Hall, Life Fitness Center, the Family Museum, Bettendorf Public Library, or Bettendorf’s Public Works Building.

Throughout Bettendorf, there will be 10 live-sized cutouts of Bettendorf’s Mayor Bob Gallagher, the seven City Council Members, one of the city police officers and one firefighter. Find each of them and mark the location in your passport. The city also encourages you to take a selfie or two and post them on your social media accounts, to help spread the word and share the fun.
Once you have found all 10, return your passport to City Hall by noon on June 3, 2022, and you will be entered into our drawing for one of 10 $527.22 cash prizes that will be awarded throughout the day on June 4, 2022 at the Be Downtown Festival (must be present to win).
Here’s a hint….You will find each City Council member located somewhere within their respective ward at a public facility, park or municipal building. And you will find the police and fire persons located at one of their buildings.
Reiter said that Bettendorf will have a much fuller picture of the special events planned by May 1.