The City of Bettendorf has announced operational and scheduling changes in observance of the Independence Day holiday.

✰ City Hall will be closed on Monday, July 4.
✰ There will be no garbage collection services on July 4. All collection services including garbage, recycling, yard waste and bulky waste will be moved one day later in the week to include Saturday, July 9.
✰ Transit will not operate on July 4.
✰ The Bettendorf Public Library will be closed on July 4.
✰ The Family Museum will be closed on July 4.
✰ Life Fitness Center will be closed on July 4.
✰ Palmer Hills Golf Course will be open, weather permitting. All golfers must be off the course by 5:00 p.m. to accommodate spectators for the fireworks display. Palmer Grill’s kitchen will close at 3:00 p.m. and the bar will close when the golf course closes at 5:00 p.m.
✰ The 4th of July Parade is Monday, July 4 10:00 a.m. in downtown Bettendorf.
✰ Fireworks will begin at dusk at Middle Park on Monday, July 4. The rain date for fireworks and Park Band only is Saturday, July 9.
For a schedule of bands appearing at Bettendorf’s 4th of July Festival, click here.
For more information on the 4th of July Festival and other observances for the City of Bettendorf, click here.