The Big Brother 25 spoilers from Friday are a bit surprising.
Cameron Hardin won the latest Head of Household Competition and took the power.
This allowed him to make a big move and change the game.
But even after getting nominated for eviction three times, Cameron hadn’t figured out what was happening inside the Big Brother house.
Cameron had a chance to target the people going after him (Cirie Fields and Izzy Gleicher). He instead went in a different direction. Or at least that’s the story he told people about what he was about to do.
Since he has already made it to the jury phase of the season, Cameron has the opportunity to make a big move.
Cameron Hardin plans out his Week 6 nominations
The Nomination Ceremony occurred on Friday (September 8), where Cameron put two people on the block.
Cameron held meetings with the other houseguests for much of the day. During the chats, he shared his ideas and figured out a plan.
While he chatted with Cirie, she doubled down on working with Cameron, and he bought it.
Cirie has played Cameron this season, and he may not realize it until he sits in the jury house.
Jared Fields also assured Cameron that he was on his side.
When Cameron met with Bowie Jane, he told her the plan would be to nominate Blue Kim and Jag, with America as the replacement nominee. He said this to Bowie Jane so that she had an answer when other houseguests questioned her.
Who did Cameron nominate for eviction this week on Big Brother 25?
Cameron Hardin nominated Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon for eviction.
The live feeds have already become chaotic in the moments following the Nomination Ceremony.
Six members of the Big Brother 25 cast will play for the Power of Veto this weekend.
And someone else is getting evicted from the house next week.
After this upcoming eviction, everyone left will have made it at least to the BB25 jury. It also means Cameron won’t get sent home before the finale night.
For anyone who missed it during the September 7 episode, below is a video showing the reactions from other houseguests after Cameron won HOH.
CBS had to make some changes to the Big Brother episode schedule.
Big Brother has to leave Wednesdays due to a fresh Survivor season this fall.
Rumors about a winter season of Big Brother have also surfaced.
Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.