Blimes Brixton Age And Real Name: 10 Facts to know

September 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Blimes Brixton is a solo music artist who was born and grown up in San Francisco. She is currently 22 years old as she was born in 1999. Blimes Brixton is both her real name as well as a stage name.

Blimes broke up with her boyfriend in 2020, which made her write and compose a song named, Under My Skin. According to Blimes, singing is her full-time career, and she is an LGBTQ artist who sings about queer love.

Brixton is active on Instagram as @blimebrixton, with 48.4 thousand followers and 4,018 posts in total.

NameBlimes Brixton
ProfessionMusic Artist
ParentsRandy McDonald

10 Facts About Blimes Brixton

  • In March 2019, Blimes Brixton broke up with her partner, which made her write and compose a rap song named, Under My Skin. The music video was released on 12 December 2019 and currently has 41,554 views on Youtube.
  • As of 2021, Blimes is 22 years old, as she has said that she was born in 1999. Moreover, she has 40.3 thousand subscribers on her Youtube channel, BlimesBrixtonVEVO.
  • There is no much information about her family members. However, it is known that she is the granddaughter of jazz musician Sam McDonald and daughter of R&B bassist Randy Mcdonald.
  • Blimes Brixton is associated with another rapper, Gab. They have made a lot of songs together.
  • Blimes and Gab also have an Instagram account, @blimeandgab. This account has 17.4 thousand followers with 390 posts.
  • This music artist collaborated with another amazing solo artist, Mars Today, in her latest song, Under My Skin.
  •  Blimes is a battle rapper who raps mostly in rap battles. However, Under my skin has made us listen to her sweetest voice.
  • This young artist has not revealed her net worth, but she is sure to be earning a good amount of money as per her songs and popularity.
  • Blimes has been making a lot of rap songs and is on her way to make even more rap songs, making her one of the best rappers in the world.
  • This young artist is also active on Twitter, as @blimesbrixton, with 12.2 thousand followers and 35.9 thousand tweets.
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