The old shells are frequent reminders as they wash up on beaches, either as whole shells, or as disarticulated pieces, that the bay is not dead. It an underwater nursery area for young Horseshoe Crabs. If you are so inclined, feel free to take home a husked shell of a Horseshoe Crab for decoration.Click to see full answer. Similarly, it is asked, how do you preserve a dead horseshoe crab? Soak the horseshoe crab in water to loosen up any pieces of junk that may be clinging to the exoskeleton. Soak the crab in diluted bleach for about half an hour. Rinse the horseshoe crab shell and let it dry thoroughly. Pose the crab in a position that you would like it to be in after it’s been preserved. how do horseshoe crabs die? While a lot of the “carcasses” found on local beaches are likely to be empty shells, SCDNR estimates around 10 percent of spawning horseshoe crabs die on the beach each year. While they can survive for a while if their gills stay wet, “the heat of a sunny day can quickly dry out and kill an upside-down crab.” Beside this, should you put horseshoe crabs back in the water? If you see a horseshoe crab on its back, gently pick it up (holding both sides of the shell, never the tail) and release it back into the water. Simple actions like this help conserve this species and the many other species that depend on it.Is the horseshoe crab poisonous?The third section, the horseshoe crab’s tail, is called the telson. It’s long and pointed, and although it looks intimidating, it is not dangerous, poisonous, or used to sting. Horseshoe crabs use the telson to flip themselves over if they happen to be pushed on their backs.