Casey Anthony will break her silence in a new Peacock limited docuseries, and people are alrea

July 2024 · 4 minute read

Peacock announced a new three-part docuseries, Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies, on Tuesday, which will give the now 36-year-old a chance to break her silence for the first time on camera.

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Anthony became the subject of widespread, nationwide media attention in 2011 when she was put on trial for the 2008 murder of her nearly three-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, who died under mysterious circumstances. Particularly suspicious was that Anthony initially purported her daughter to be the victim of a kidnapping, but never reported her disappearance to the authorities. It was only after smelling what appeared to be the odor of a decomposing body in her trunk that Casey’s mother, Cindy Anthony, finally contacted the police.

Skeletal remains of the child’s body were eventually found inside a laundry bag in a wooded area near the family’s house, where Anthony lived with her parents, five months after Caylee was reported missing.

However, even though both the jury and court of public opinion felt that Anthony was most certainly guilty, a lack of evidence during the trial led to her acquittal on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child. She was found guilty on four counts of providing false information to law enforcement and was released less than two weeks later with time served.

Even more damning was computer evidence that surfaced after the trial completed, which only further fueled outrage over the not-guilty verdict.

After 11 years, Casey Anthony breaks her silence for the first time on camera.

Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies, a 3-part limited series, premieres November 29 only on Peacock.

— Peacock (@peacock) November 8, 2022

So in other words, even though more than a decade has gone by since the trial, it goes without saying that the masses are not exactly ready to forgive Casey Anthony. Though we don’t know what she’s going to say, it seems very unlikely that Anthony will confess to the murder of her child — or provide any meaningful evidence of her innocence — and will instead just profit from her appearance.

As such, it seems extremely questionable and exploitative that NBC would proceed with a docuseries like this with Anthony’s full participation, and people sounded off in full force after catching wind of the limited series.

I don’t have a peacock subscription but if I did I would cancel it over this

— andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) November 8, 2022

This is morally bankrupt. Just cancelled my @peacock subscription.

Who else is with me? #CancelPeacock

— Ryan Gorman (@GormoExJourno) November 8, 2022

Casey Anthony dead ass got away with murdering her kid and still ended up with a TV deal lmfao boy I tell you white women in this country start the football game up 21-0

— Hank (@DeionHD) November 8, 2022

The only Casey Anthony content we’ve ever needed

— MKUltraboost (@hashy_larry) November 8, 2022

If the news of Casey Anthony doing a documentary telling “her side” of the story is any indication of how today is gonna go…

— good lady wife (@lizagna7) November 8, 2022

This Casey Anthony bullshit on Peacock better end with Chris Hanson coming out to tell her she's under arrest for killing her child.

— Dylan Short (@dylanxshort) November 8, 2022

Unless Casey Anthony confesses to murdering her own daughter I’m not trying to hear it.

— Henry (@henreiy) November 8, 2022

Fun fact. The ONLY reason Casey Anthony is free today is because the authorities didn’t know what Firefox was when they searched her computer. She literally googled “full-proof suffocation” the day she murdered her 2 year old daughter. Fuck her side, she can burn in hell.

— Zach (@LentZach) November 8, 2022

Documentaries lately seem to be obsessed with humanizing (and failing, at that) bad people.

— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) November 8, 2022

Since Anthony’s trial was widely compared to the murder trial of O.J. Simpson, one user compared it to Simpson’s heavily speculated confessional novel, If I Did It.

The modern “if I did it”
What a joke

— Big Game Bengal (@BengalYouTube) November 8, 2022

Well, for better or worse, Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies premieres on Nov. 29 on Peacock.
