Claire Danes: Ive stayed in relationships longer than I maybe should have

September 2024 · 4 minute read


We’ll talk about Homeland at the end of the post, where it won’t be so in-your-face spoilery, okay? For now, let’s just talk about Claire. I worry about Claire. I know that’s weird. Like, I think she’s fine overall and she’s incredibly talented and she has a full life. But I do worry about her marriage and whether the hours on the Homeland set are too much for a new, first-time mom. Maybe she likes to be this busy and maybe I’ve just spent too much time with the “manic” Carrie Mathison, but I do think she seems a little strung out lately. Anyway, Claire covers the new issue of Glamour. You can read the full piece here, and here are some highlights:

Claire on aging: “I’m happier in my thirties. I feel clearer about who I am and less apologetic about it, and more accepting of my limitations and also more aware of the ways in which I’m capable. I was always looking forward to this time because people talk about it in very romantic terms. And I think it’s true. Gravity hasn’t had too profound of an effect, and you’re a little less emotionally gangly. The twenties are a deceptively challenging-slash-painful time. I’m just glad to be out of that phase.”

Her 20s: “I was meandering a little. And a lot of the mysteries of life have been illuminated [since then]. Like, OK, this is the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. This is my son. This is my city. This is my home.”

On husband Hugh Dancy: “I’ve been with Hugh for…seven years? It really doesn’t feel that long. It feels new every year because there is a new set of challenges: Who are we to each other now that we’re married? Who are we now that we have this shared person? We never have to fight to keep it fresh and new. Life just demands that of us.”

Relationships are hard: “Yeah, relationships are a constant negotiation and balance. I’m just a hard worker, so [in previous relationships] I took that creed “Relationships take work” a little too literally at times and stayed in relationships longer than I maybe should have, because I thought, Well, no pain no gain… And it’s nonsense if it’s just not working. You have to leave and end it.”

Date nights and crushing on her husband: “Well, it’s true that you often kind of forget to see the person you’re most intimate with, but occasionally I’ll come to and sort of think, Oh my God! You’re really, really good-looking! [Laughs.] I’m embarrassed now! It’s nice to occasionally have that flash. People talk about “date night,” and it is true: Sometimes you have to apply yourself, or at least apply lipstick to yourself. You kind of have to dress up, just because. You know, wear heels to your own dinner table.”

The reality of date nights: “Sometimes it feels totally absurd, ’cause we’re just going down the block and he’s wearing his “smart” blazer. Like, who are we kidding? We know where this is going: We’re going back home to watch Breaking Bad. Still, those gestures are important. It just hasn’t stopped being fun.”

[From Glamour]

Okay, she sounds fine here. Maybe I worry about her marriage too much! Maybe it’s a good sign that they aren’t all over each other on red carpets and such – it’s fine because they have a real marriage and a real partnership, right? I hope so. I did love the part about knowing how the date night is going to end – at home, watching Breaking Bad. That’s cute.

Also: “I… stayed in relationships longer than I maybe should have, because I thought, Well, no pain no gain.” Billy Crudup? I think that’s Billy Crudup.

As for Homeland… (SPOILERS)… this Iran storyline is killing me. Regime change? Really, Saul? What is this, the Cold War? It’s like we didn’t realize until Season 3 that Saul was a neo-con this whole time!!


Photos courtesy of Glamour.
