Cody Jinks Loud and Heavy Got A Surprising Songwriting Partner

June 2024 · 2 minute read

Did you know Cody Jinks’ “Loud and Heavy” was actually written with a little help from his two-year-old son? In fact, the singer said his son “got half the writer’s rights on that song.”

Definitely one of Cody Jinks’ greatest hits, and his most streamed song, “Loud and Heavy,” finds the revolutionary Texas country-rocker singing about the complications of life. He used rain and thunderstorm as a figure of speech, which has been a common comparison for life’s most unexpected moment – whether it’s great or terrible – like how a flash of lightning can come out of nowhere.  

RELATED: Cody Jinks and wife Rebecca: Partners In Love And Music

The most moving part came in the song’s refrain, which details the thin line we all walk with our emotions and the complicated situation of settling how we feel. 

Story Behind The Song 

Interestingly, “Loud and Heavy” came to life during a car ride with his son to a Tractor Supply Company – a destination his son requested, wanting to see a tractor up close. Unfortunately, it began to rain so heavily that Papa Jinks told his son, “Hey buddy, there’s a lot of loud thunder and heavy rain out there.”

And the little boy couldn’t help but only say “loud thunder heavy rain” again and again – which eventually became the song’s hook.

In 2018, Jinks launched his self-curated Loud and Heavy Fest in his hometown of Fort Worth, Texas. It features a lineup the former thrash-metal singer hand-picked himself, including Colter Wall, Whitey Morgan, Sunny Sweeney, among others. Most of the bands present at the festivals have toured or worked with Jinks, too.

While there was a forty-minute delay due to high humidity and a smattering of rainy sprinkles, it never stood a chance against the determination of roughly 8,000 fans.

Anyway, you can listen to “Loud and Heavy” by Cody Jinks in the video below.
