If you were to ask any Big Brother superfan, Bowie Jane is one of the most unique (yet forgettable) houseguests this season, or perhaps in the history of the beloved competition series.
Recommended VideosThroughout the entirety of Big Brother 25, this Aussie has been quite the floater, bouncing from alliance to alliance to further her individual game, all while talking little-to-no strategy with the other houseguests.
Now, Bowie Jane has a final three deal with Matt Klotz and Jag Bains, the two strongest players in the game right now, which many believe is her digging her own grave. If their final three plans come to fruition, there is no way she would beat “The Minutemen” alliance!
Is there an alternate way for Bowie Jane to take home the $750,000 cash prize at the end of Big Brother 25? Keep scrolling to see the fan theory (or lack thereof) for yourself…

@Pz1129 got the conversation started via Reddit, asking viewers what scenario would need to occur for Bowie Jane to emerge as the champion of Big Brother 25. Given her lackluster gameplay so far, the responses were just too funny!
“The Scramble-Verse,” one user wrote, garnering over 500 upvotes, but that was not the only satirical response riddled within the thread.
Another user took it upon themselves to use a Survivor reference, as well as things that have been featured throughout Big Brother 25 so far: “She goes into final two fire-making vs Matt, and Matt accidentally Aquamans all over his fire, making her the only remaining Survivor. She wins 4-3 against Felicia‘s pocket chicken wing.” Naturally, this comment was also a smash hit, amassing over 200 upvotes.
“They change the rules so you can only vote for people born is Australia,” @SneakySalamder6 shared.
“Everyone in the house self-evicts,” @brianmcnail dished.
“The house explodes and she’s out back,” @WitchE1 gushed.
It looks like the Big Brother superfans have quite the sense of humor, but is there an actual scenario where Bowie Jane could take home the $750,000 cash prize?

While a majority of respondents replied with nothing but jokes, a few users developed a real-life situation where Bowie Jane could be deemed the champion of Big Brother 25. Don’t count her out just yet!
@howcanilose proposed the first real scenario, explaining that the lawyer-turned-DJs’s best chance at winning would be sitting next to America Lopez (the girlfriend of juror number two, Cory Wurtenberger) in the end: “She goes to the end with America, Matt will vote for her over America. Cam might say “Eff it – I respect her getting me out.” Did America get Jag out? There’s one. Blue would be final nail in the coffin for America.”
While this is definitely a possibility, a majority of viewers believe that Bowie will need a few extra competition wins (at least) to even begin to build a case for herself.
“I think if she wins HoH and evicts Jag, then wins another HoH and evicts Matt, she has a case. Other than that, I don’t see it happening,” a user explained.
To see how the rest of Bowie Jane’s journey plays out on Big Brother 25, tune into CBS and/or Paramount Plus for new episodes of Big Brother every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. With seven houseguests remaining, the season is starting to wind down!