All Cryptid Locations In Fallout 76

September 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Here we will tell you where you can find all the cryptids in Fallout 76.

First Published March 16, 2023, 05:30

Fallout 76 is a game that is filled with various monsters. The lore of the game is that atomic bombs were dropped in Appalachia, and most of the creatures you will find are animals who are mutated due to the radiation. But there are some monsters in the game that have a longer history than the bombs.

Cryptids are a monster class in Fallout 76 that is based on American Folklore. Cryptids are creatures such as Wendigos, the Grafton Monster, Snallygasters, and a couple more. These monsters can be a bit harder to find than normal monsters in Fallout 76. Here, we are going to go over where you can find all cryptids in Fallout 76.

Fallout 76 Cryptid Locations

There are a couple of ways that Bethesda allows players to find Cryptids in Fallout 76. The first would be some of the set spawn points that they can be found in. Another is through quests that are associated with these Cryptids. Down below, we will list not only the most common spawn location for the Cryptid but also a quest associated with it as well.

CryptidSpawn PointAssociated Quest
The Beast of BeckleyBeast of Beckley's DenUnsolved: Death and Taxidermy
Flatwoods MonsterAbbie's BunkerDaily: Making Sacrifices
Grafton MonsterCharleston TrainyardNone
MothmanEnclave Research FacilityOver and Out
SheepsquatchCreekside Sundew GroveEvent: Free Range
SnallygasterFlooded TrainyardScorched Earth Event
WendigoGarrahan EstateOne Violent Night

As you can see above, there are seven different cryptids in Appalachia. The cryptids are varied and players will have to employ some unique tactics to take on the cryptids as they are different compared to regular monsters in Fallout 76.

Is It Worth Hunting Down Cryptids In Fallout 76?

It depends on the reason. More than often, Cryptids are monsters players will have to either kill or take a picture of for daily or weekly quests. For these quests, it is absolutely worth finding cryptids. Daily and weekly quests will give players more points toward their S.C.O.R.E. progression, which will give them more rewards.

Even if none of the cryptids are part of the daily or weekly quests, they are still worth hunting most of the time. That is because the materials they drop are often very useful for crafting. From acid to oil, these components are very useful and needed for crafting materials in Fallout 76.

Daniel Borjas
