Cupid's Arrows {with Homemade Gumdrops}

September 2024 · 1 minute read

Cupid’s Arrows made with gumdrops and pretzels are perfect for Valentine’s Day!

Cupid's Arrows with pretzels and gumdrops

A couple of weeks ago I shared my delicious homemade gumdrops with you. We had such a great time making them that the boys and I decided to make some of them into Cupid’s Arrows for Valentine’s Day! All you need is pretzels and some homemade {or store bought} heart-shaped gumdrops. You’ll need two hearts for each arrow. Cut out a section of the heart to make it look like the arrow’s tail. Dredge again in sugar to coat the newly exposed center.


Use a pretzel to connect the two gumdrops.

Cupid's Arrows

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To make different size arrows simply use different sized gumdrops and break the pretzel sticks to the size you desire.

Cupid's Arrows with Homemade Gumdrops from | #Valentinesday #recipe #kids

Super easy and the perfect little treat for Valentine’s Day!

Cupid's Arrows with Homemade Gumdrops

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