Team Ninja lead developer, Hayashi-san, announced today via a Youtube video that a version of DOA 5, titled Dead or Alive 5 Plus, will be released in “early 2013” on the PlayStation Vita.
The short (and slightly awkward) video did not provide much information about Dead or Alive 5 Plus, however, it seemed to suggest that the game would be a full port of the console version of Dead or Alive 5 with a number of additional features. Hayashi-san’s exact announcement in the video reads:
“… today, we have a piece of information to share with you as a world’s first. [pulls Vita from pocket] Which is this. We plan to release “Dead or Alive 5 Plus” on the PlayStation Vita at an early stage of next year.”
“DOA5’s arrival on a new hardware will bring new players to the existing communities and for our loyal and core fans… can now practice and brush up their skills anywhere they want.”
“Further details will be made available at a later stage, but be assured that features which are as appealing as the DOA5 Plus name reads are planned so please look forward to them.”
As more information on Dead or Alive 5 Plus is announced we will let you know.
Source: Youtube