Did Yasmin Vossoughian Suffer A Stroke? MSNBC Host Face And Mouth Condition Explained

May 2024 · 3 minute read

MSNBC viewers observed anything peculiar about Yasmin Vossoughian’s face and mannerisms. What became of her? Learn more by reading the provided piece.

Yasmin Vossoughian, an American news personality, appears live on MSNBC on weekends from 3 to 5 p.m.

For a long time, the 43-year-old has been a familiar face, and when something about her appears to be amiss, viewers immediately know it.

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Did Yasmin Vossoughian Suffer A Stroke?

Yasmin Vossoughian suffered from a stroke called Bell Palsy.

Although no sources have established that she has had oral surgery after suffering a stroke. Some bogus propaganda is making social media pages spread the new fake news about Yasmin’s face being weird, and many people believe it.

So, to your knowledge, those stories are false and should not be trusted.

Yasmin has consistently campaigned for self-acceptance over physical change. And, if a circumstance arose in which Yasmin needed plastic surgery urgently, we believe she would decline.

The journalist is free of Bell Palsy until she talks about it. People, in our opinion, are simply making anything up based on tiny changes made by the anchor in recent months.

Bell Palsy is a condition in which the muscles in the face become weak or paralyzed for a short period of time. As a result, the nerve that controls the facial muscles fails, causing one side of the face to sag or stiffen.

MSNBC Host Yasmin Vossoughian Face And Mouth Condition Explained

Yasmin Vossoughian, an MSNBC correspondent, has changed her speaking manner in recent years which increased the curiosity of her fans.

Many people believe Yasmin has a long-term ailment that has harmed her face. This does not appear to be the case right now, as Yasmin seems to be in excellent condition.

Vossoughian spoke to MSNBC in 2019 about her large birthmark, which bothered her as a child. She had said earlier in the conversation that she had learned to enjoy her purple birthmark rather than be concerned about it.

According to the anchor, it is difficult for a woman to exist in today’s atmosphere if she does not learn to accept any mark on her body.

The birthmark extends the entire length of the MSNBC host’s left leg. She has accepted and valued herself for who she is for the past four decades.

It may be difficult at times, though, because as a woman, she is subjected to a great deal of scrutiny on her appearance.

Yasmin Vossoughian underwent mouth surgery following a Bell Palsy Stroke.

Who Is Yasmin Vossoughian? Wikipedia Bio

As per Yasmin Vossoughan’s Wikipedia bio, she  was born in New York City, USA, on October 3, 1978, and is a broadcast journalist best known for her work on the network MSNBC, where she is a part of the show “Morning Joe.”

Throughout her career, she has covered a number of high-profile stories.

Yasmin is of Iranian heritage and the youngest daughter of a doctor’s family, but little else about her childhood or family is known.

She attended Cornwall Central High School in Orange County, New York, before transferring to Northfield Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts to finish high school. The latter is a well-known elite school with a 32% acceptance rate.
