Do Knig and Ghost know each other?

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Who is König shipped with?

König is shipped with Soap MacTavish.

Who is Ghost from CoD dating?

Ghost is dating Soap MacTavish.

What is the relationship between Soap and Ghost?

Soap and Ghost are brothers in arms and true friends.

Why does Ghost hide his face?

Ghost hides his face to protect his identity and stay anonymous.

What is Ghost’s real name?

Ghost’s real name is Simon Riley.

Why does Ghost wear a skull on his mask?

Ghost wears a skull on his mask for intimidation and to represent death.

Are Ghost and König friends?

No, in the little canon they have, Ghost and König are enemies.

What does Ghost call Soap?

Ghost calls Soap “Johnny.”

Who kills Ghost and Soap?

Ghost and Soap are killed by General Shepherd.

How tall is König?

König’s height is described as taller than 6’4″.

What gun is König holding?

König is seen holding a customized Glock.

Does König have social anxiety?

Yes, König has social anxiety and it is frequently used in fan works.

How big is König in Call of Duty?

König is described as a “mountain” and is taller than other snipers.

Why is he named Soap?

Soap earned the nickname “Soap” for his cleaning skills in room clearance techniques and urban warfare tactics.

Do Soap and Ghost know each other?

Yes, Soap and Ghost know each other and have become brothers in arms and true friends.

How did Ghost originally choose his nickname?

Ghost chose his nickname after someone said they looked like they had seen a ghost.

Is König an enemy?

Yes, König is considered an enemy in the Call of Duty series.

Who is taller, Ghost or König?

There is no definitive answer on who is taller between Ghost and König.

Is König going to be in MW3?

Yes, König is an Operator featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.

What is König wearing?

König wears a mask made from a t-shirt and his Deep Lord skin features a Zakhaev Arms logo.

How tall is Ghost in MW2?

There is no confirmed height for Ghost in MW2.

Is König an Operator in Call of Duty?

Yes, König is an Operator in the Call of Duty series.

What is König’s rank?

König is a colonel, which is a higher rank than Ghost.

What gun does Ghost use?

Ghost uses various guns in the Call of Duty series.

Does Ghost die?

Yes, Ghost is killed by General Shepherd.
