Does Ash ever meet his dad?

July 2024 · 6 minute read
Ash's dad has never been an active presence in the Pokémon anime TV series or the accompanying movies. While he's mentioned a few times early in the anime, he's mostly a mystery — fans have never gotten to learn much about who or where he is, or why he's absent from Ash's life.

Who is Ash Ketchum's father?

One popular fan theory is that Team Rocket's Giovanni is actually Ash's father. Though Giovanni was Silver's father in the games, his anime counterpart isn't known to have any children, with Madame Boss being his only confirmed relative.

Does Ash become a dad?

Pokemon Heroes doesn't have the legacy that Mewtwo Strikes Back, Pokemon 2000, or even Pokemon 3 has, but it did give us one of the most bizarre romance plots of all time — and it ends with Ash Ketchum becoming a father.

Who is Ash's son?

Sato Ketchum is Ash's son. He is seen in the pokemon anime series Pokemon Heart and Soul when Celebi sends Ash, Hari and Brock into the future. His name is based on Ash's japanese name Satoshi and his team is based mainly on Red's team in the Pokemon manga apart from having a Charizard instead of Venusaur.

Is Pikachu Ash dad?

3 Pikachu Is Ash's Father

Traditionally, Pikachu is not a starter Pokémon. Ash got him from Professor Oak because he overslept. However, Professor Oak had one special Pokémon for Ash. Of course, Pikachu tried to electrocute Ash but quickly warmed up to him, becoming Ash's closest companion.

Ash Ketchum’s FATHER FINALLY REVEALED?! Ash vs his Father Full Battle! - Pokémon Journeys FINALE

Is Professor Kukui Ash's dad?

— Kukui is Ash's real dad confirmed. ❤

Does Ash have any siblings?

Emi is the younger daughter of Delia and Satosho Ketchum and the younger sister of Ash. Emi is an original character created by Atticus and becomes a major character in Pokemon crossover adventure stories.

Is Goh related to Ash?

Goh is a Pokémon Trainer who is currently Ash Ketchum's travelling companion and serves as the deuteragonist of Pokémon Journeys: The Series. His goal is to catch every Pokémon in every region, in the hopes of accomplishing his dream of catching Mew.

Who is Ash Ketchum daughter?

In October of that same year, Ash and Misty's first daughter, Skylar, was born. After Skye was born, things became more hectic for the Ketchums between having a new baby, Ash's job as Champion and a G-Men agent, and Misty constantly needing to travel back and forth between Pallet Town and the gym in Cerulean.

How old is Ash in XYZ?

So at the end of XYZ Ash is 16 years old and a half. For obvious and logical reasons the Pokémon anime has ended.

Does Ash like Serena or Misty?

Ash shows Serena more affection and consideration than he has past travel companions throughout the series. He worries about her feelings and is more touchy-feely with Serena than he is with other companions, placing a hand on her shoulder and even holding her hand in one episode.

Will Ash Meet Serena again?

Pokemon has finally brought Ash Ketchum and Serena back together for a reunion with the newest episode of Pokemon Journeys, and definitely hit fans right in the chest with how it all shook out!

Who is Ash's crush?

Ash Ketchum

Serena has known Ash since childhood, although Ash initially forgot their first meeting until she mentioned the camp they attended and he only remembered her as "the girl with the straw hat". Secretly, Serena has developed a crush on him and seems to entertain the thought of becoming his bride.

Who is Ash's baby brother?

Ash has shown fans time and again that family is what you make of it. When he came to Alola, that point was never made clearer thanks to Ash's bond with Kukui. And after the arrival of Rei, Pokemon fans are sure the adorable boy will grow up well with an older brother like Ash in his corner.

Does Ash know Kukui is the masked Royal?

Ash did find out that Professor Kukui is the Masked Royal in SM Episode 140, Z-Move Showdown. With Naganadel's help, Royal was able to help Ash perform a double Gigavolt Havoc that sent Guzzlord through Naganadel's Ultra Wormhole and back into Ultra Space.

What is Kukui's 6th Pokémon?

Wanting to team up with Kukui to battle Ash, Tapu Koko became Kukui's temporary sixth Pokémon.

Does Serena become Kalos queen?

Upon realizing that she spent the day with Aria, the Kalos Queen herself, it only helped to raise her spirits about becoming the Queen herself one day. Serena and her Pokémon happy at their first Showcase win.

Is Serena older than Ash?

Therefore, it is possible that she may actually be a few years older than Ash. Since teenaged characters are shown to be quite a bit taller than Ash, it's likely that she is, at most, probably a couple of years older than him or around the same age.

Does Ash get his Greninja back?

Pokemon Journeys has finally brought Ash Ketchum's fan favorite Greninja back to the anime after so many years away, and the newest episode of the series demonstrated just how strong their bond still is with a cool new battle!

Who is the best Pokegirl?

Who is Ash's true love?

Ash Ketchum has no canonical girlfriend. His female traveling companions, Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, Serena, Lillie, Mallow, and Lana have all have some ship tease with him, but he has no existing romance with them. He is more focused on becoming a Pokémon Master at the moment than he is searching for the one.

Who married Misty in Pokemon?

Ash defeats Rudy in battle, and before they all depart, Rudy asks Misty to stay on the Island with him. She refuses, and continues her journey with Ash. That is what happened in the English dub. In the original Japanese version of the episode, Rudy asked the 1o year old Misty to marry him.

Will Ash ever grow up?

Pokémon Theory: Why Ash Never Grows Up

Pokémon anime protagonist Ash Ketchum hasn't aged in years, and fans have some compelling theories about why the young trainer never grows up. Despite starting his legendary journey 23 years ago, Pokémon protagonist Ash Ketchum has remained a 10-year-old since 1997.

Where does Ash go after Kalos?

With his journey in Kalos over, Ash bids farewell to his friends before departing for Pallet Town in Kanto.
