Does Star Trek: Strange New Worlds need casual gays?

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Star Trek has always at the very least attempted to be inclusive. From portraying one of the first onscreen interracial kisses (albeit under mind control), to the inclusion of characters across the gender spectrum, the franchise does try to project the image of a cosmopolitan cosmos — even if it’s occasionally thumbfingered in doing so (some of those TNG eps. Ouch!).

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However, some fans are saying maybe the newer shows can concentrate less on “doing” and more on “being.”

i need star trek to have casual gays. let uhura say she has a gf back home. that person in pike’s bed should’ve been a man. not everything has to be one big reveal

— don (@MlNDMELD) May 12, 2022

Twitter user and Trek fan @MINDMELD recently posted that the franchise might better serve the needs of inclusion by being a little more offhanded about sexual orientation. While the relationship between  Lt. Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) was something of a “TA-DAH!” moment on Star Trek: Discovery, @MINDMELD suggest a more “casual” approach might show a broader acceptance of sexuality in the 23rd century.

“Let Uhura say she has a gf back home. that person in pike’s bed should’ve been a man. not everything has to be one big reveal,” he writes. User @roswordsman replied by noting that the Kelvin universe acknowledged a canonically gay Sulu subtly as opposed to any flourish, self-congratulatory or otherwise.

Low key liked that about beyond when they show sulu’s husband in a photo casually and then them together like a normal couple when they reunited and no big deal is made of it
More pls

— Ro -is in querying hell again- (@roswordsman) May 12, 2022

User @textwhileudrive noted that casual inclusion is often a more effective form of inclusion, noting the similarities between LGBTQ characters and disabled characters that often have their identity co-opted into forced narratives.

Tbh I think casual integration can be wayyyy more powerful than making it a narrative focus. Like the problem with disability in media is everytime their is a disabled character it’s ALWAYS built into the plot and never something incidental.

— Four Seasons Total Shitposting (@textwhileudrive) May 12, 2022

And user @nmagrey noted that same-sex relationships needn’t always be highlighted but rather should be more often normalized by simply allowing them to be.

Yes. It doesn’t have to be THIS IS A GAY RELATIONSHIP SHIP more just this is them.

— Nicholas (@nmagrey) May 12, 2022

So far fans are loving Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Perhaps as the series progresses it will touch upon the sexuality of its characters in subtle and not overt ways.
