This Is The Real Reason Hailie Scott Mathers Is So Secretive About Her Boyfriend

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Eminem's daughter, Hailie Scott Mathers, posted a rare photo alongside her boyfriend, Evan McClintock, on Instagram. She wrote, "I rarely share my feed, but when I do, I'm happy it's with you." Now she's an influencer in her own right.

Fans were surprised since she is extremely private when it comes to their five-year relationship. Although Eminem's daughter is a public figure, Evan keeps his life more locked-tight than Hailie.

The couple began dating in 2016 and have been together ever since. Hailie and Evan were students at Michigan State University, where he majored in economics, and she studied psychology.

Living a Normal Life

It is no secret that Hailie spent most of her life hidden away from the press only to drop jaws when photos of her grown-up leaked online. Young Hailie went from being extremely poor to very rich before she could even speak. By the time she could walk, her dad was always away working, and her mom turned to drugs. Also, their violent relationship was becoming more and more public. Taking this into account, what kind of girl would want to be in the spotlight when the same man that sang her lullabies at night rapped about beating women during the day? It's no surprise that Hailie is so secretive about her private life.

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Tough Childhood

The sweet girl was born on Christmas day, 1995, in Detroit, Michigan. Her mother, Kimberly Scott, met Marshall Mathers (Eminem) in high school, and the two remained sweethearts until her birth. Once Hailie came along, Marshall, now an aspiring rapper, almost ditched his dreams to provide for his young family.

He worked 60 hours a week as a dishwasher earning minimum wage while Kimberly saved what she could for a college fund. However, constant breakups and robberies kept setting them back.

Marshall had always been working away at his rap career, but after his first album Infinite flopped, he became pretty much suicidal. The rapper went down a pretty dark path, and all the while, Hailie was there to witness it.

He created his alter ego, Slim Shady, and started writing extremely violent songs like '97 Bonnie & Clyde. Eminem wanted Hailie's vocals on the track, but Kimberly refused to let their two-year-old get involved, so Marshall lied and said they were going to Chuck E Cheese when he took her to the recording booth. Needless to say, when Kimberly heard their daughter on the track where Slim drives off with Kimberly's dead body in the trunk, she was pretty pissed.

Meanwhile, they got evicted from their house and started living apart. In 1999, Hailie's parents finally married, hoping it would help keep Marshall grounded while performing with Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre in their Up in Smoke Tour. Hailie's dad adopted her cousin Alaina Mathers when Kimberly's twin sister couldn't take care of her. The two grew up together along with half-sister Whitney who was also adopted down the road. But the more famous their dad got, the more messed up the marriage became.

Protecting Hailie From Paparazzi

Hailie's parents divorced in 2001, and their troubled relationship made headlines for months. They remarried in January of 2006 but had a nasty divorce months later, getting shared custody of Hailie. The two may have hated each other, but one thing they agreed on was keeping their little girl out of the media.

Related: How Close Is Eminem To His Daughter, Hailie Jade?

She was sent to a public school near Detroit and had a relatively normal upbringing. While fans were busy memorizing Eminem's lyrics, the little girl grew up to be a very different person from her troubled parents.

Becoming a Role Model

It turns out Hailie grew up to be a good old American gal, and Eminem wouldn't have to worry about her dating guys. At Chippewa Valley High School, she got straight A's, was on the student council and made the volleyball team. She graduated in 2014 with honors and was even named homecoming queen. Eminem wanted this day to be about his little girl, so he watched the ceremony from the school cafeteria instead.

At Michigan State, Hailie has turned out to be an intelligent, beautiful young woman. She's living proof that although Eminem wasn't the best husband, he's a caring and sweet dad who would do anything for her little girl.

Eminem and Kimberly's Efforts Paid Off

Hailie avoided making the same mistakes her parents made. She found a nice guy who treats her with love and respect and stays out of media drama. Eminem's daughter probably didn't feel comfortable with everyone knowing her family problems when she was a child. It seems like she got used to being secretive about her boyfriend and private life. Fans can agree she took the right decision. Now she shares the best of her luxurious life on Instagram and can choose what people get to see.

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