Vince McMahon has a special club of people who wanted to get ahead in WWE or save their jobs. This club, dubbed the Kiss My Ass Club, was given that name for an obvious reason. Someone had to drop to their knees and literally kiss Vince McMahon’s butt on live television, sometimes by force.
William Regal, Jim Ross, Shawn Michaels and more have kissed Vince McMahon’s bare butt on live television. They couldn’t talk Eric Bischoff into joining them.
Eric Bischoff recently spoke about that subject on his 83 Weeks Podcast. Vince McMahon wanted him to join that exclusive club, but Easy E didn’t want to pucker up.
“The only time I spoke up about creative was not too long after I first got there. I got emailed a scene in the ring. That scene would have resulted at the end of it, this was back when Vince had the ‘Kiss my ass club’, it built up and led to Vince making me kiss his ass in the middle of the ring like so many others had done before me.”
“I read that and went, ‘That makes no sense.’ I get it at the moment. I get it for that episode and that scene. Yea, that’s a good scene. But in a larger, broader context, it makes absolutely no sense. There was no heat, no angle, no buildup, no nothing. It was just a spontaneous moment that would have gotten a cheap pop. It would have absolutely cast a really dense fog over anything else that I was going to do in the future. It would eliminate many potential storylines going forward.”
“I got that email on a Saturday. I was supposed to leave on Sunday to fly to Monday Night RAW on Sunday. Before I left, I gave a call and said, ‘Look, I’ll do it if that’s what you guys want me to do. You’re paying me to perform. You’re not paying me to critique your creative. I firmly believe that. If that’s what you want me to do, I’ll do it, but here’s why I don’t think it makes any sense right now. Maybe down the road, but right now, this makes no sense.’ I left it at that. I didn’t hear another word. I got to TV on Monday and it was gone. Not another word was said about it.”
Vince McMahon hasn’t inducted anyone into the Kiss My Ass Club in a long time. That doesn’t mean he can’t drop his pants and induct someone next week if he wants to. His network partners might not appreciate the partial nudity from the 76-year-old Chairman of the Board, but they would get over it.
What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!
Thanks to Wrestling News for the quote
Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.