How to complete the Ninja Challenge in Dead Island 2?

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Dead Island 2 is making lot of noise on internet with it’s entry into gaming world. After a long awaited decade old predecessor Dead Island 2 is finally here. So far the game is worth given al the hype around it. Dead Island 2 is a open world survival adventure game. With Los Angeles at the heart of the game but now ridden with hordes of zombies wandering the land.

After the release of game in its first week the game is only gaining huge success and praise across internet and video games critiques. In it’s first week alone the Dead Island 2 has crossed a staggering 1 million copies of sales. There are various modes and challenges to the game among them Ninja challenge is the most talked about challenge that requires shuriken attack. In order to complete the challenge the players need to make a triple kill with a single throw.

Dead Island 2 (source:

The game has some intricate detailing. Even though majority of the focus is on fun gore and bloodshed of zombies the game did a pretty good job on making the surroundings as much engaging as possible. The environment works closely with your actions and reflect as such without any delay. The game play mechanism is on par with that of other big time AAA games.

How to do the Ninja challenge?

There are certain ways you can accomplish this mission. Here are steps to get through with Ninja challenge.

If players follow the above given guide to precision they will be able to get the Ninja Challenge done few attempts in Dead Island 2. Have fun hunting the zombies!

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