Expected Frequency Calculator
Observed values from what you entered are below:
Wins | Draws | Losses |
Step 1: Get the totals for each of the 1 rows and 3 columns
Wins | Draws | Losses | Totals |
0 | Totals | 0 |
Step 2: Calculate the expected frequencies for each table cell (Row Total x Column Total) ÷ All Total
Wins | Draws | Losses | Totals |
0 | Totals | 0 |
Step 3: Build our observed versus expected values:
Observed | Expected | |Observed - Expected| | |O - E|2 ÷ Expected |
Total | 0 |
Step 4: Calculate Degrees of Freedom (DoF):
For a table with (m) rows and (n) columns, we have DoF = (m - 1)(n - 1) = (1 - 1)(3 - 1) = (0)(2) = 0Step 5: Evaluate Test Statistic:
Our Test Statistic from the table above = 0At a 95% confidence percentage, we have a tail value of 100% - 95% = 5 denoted as α0.05
In the table below: Our Χ2 Critical Value at 0 Degrees of Freedom and tail value of 5% =
Excel or Google Sheets formula:
=CHIINV(0.05,0)Step 6: Draw our conclusion:
Since the test statistic of 0 exceeds our critical value of , we assume that our hypothesis does not hold.

Chi-Square Table Values are below:
DOF α | α 0.1 | α 0.09 | α 0.08 | α 0.07 | α 0.06 | α 0.05 | α 0.04 | α 0.03 | α 0.02 | α 0.01 |
1 | 2.7055 | 2.8744 | 3.0649 | 3.283 | 3.5374 | 3.8415 | 4.2179 | 4.7093 | 5.4119 | 6.6349 |
2 | 4.6052 | 4.8159 | 5.0515 | 5.3185 | 5.6268 | 5.9915 | 6.4378 | 7.0131 | 7.824 | 9.2103 |
3 | 6.2514 | 6.4915 | 6.7587 | 7.0603 | 7.4069 | 7.8147 | 8.3112 | 8.9473 | 9.8374 | 11.3449 |
4 | 7.7794 | 8.0434 | 8.3365 | 8.6664 | 9.0444 | 9.4877 | 10.0255 | 10.7119 | 11.6678 | 13.2767 |
5 | 9.2364 | 9.5211 | 9.8366 | 10.191 | 10.5962 | 11.0705 | 11.6443 | 12.3746 | 13.3882 | 15.0863 |
6 | 10.6446 | 10.9479 | 11.2835 | 11.6599 | 12.0896 | 12.5916 | 13.1978 | 13.9676 | 15.0332 | 16.8119 |
7 | 12.017 | 12.3372 | 12.6912 | 13.0877 | 13.5397 | 14.0671 | 14.703 | 15.5091 | 16.6224 | 18.4753 |
8 | 13.3616 | 13.6975 | 14.0684 | 14.4836 | 14.9563 | 15.5073 | 16.1708 | 17.0105 | 18.1682 | 20.0902 |
9 | 14.6837 | 15.0342 | 15.4211 | 15.8537 | 16.3459 | 16.919 | 17.6083 | 18.4796 | 19.679 | 21.666 |
10 | 15.9872 | 16.3516 | 16.7535 | 17.2026 | 17.7131 | 18.307 | 19.0207 | 19.9219 | 21.1608 | 23.2093 |
11 | 17.275 | 17.6526 | 18.0687 | 18.5334 | 19.0614 | 19.6751 | 20.412 | 21.3416 | 22.6179 | 24.725 |
12 | 18.5493 | 18.9395 | 19.3692 | 19.8488 | 20.3934 | 21.0261 | 21.7851 | 22.7418 | 24.054 | 26.217 |
13 | 19.8119 | 20.214 | 20.6568 | 21.1507 | 21.7113 | 22.362 | 23.1423 | 24.1249 | 25.4715 | 27.6882 |
14 | 21.0641 | 21.4778 | 21.9331 | 22.4408 | 23.0166 | 23.6848 | 24.4855 | 25.4931 | 26.8728 | 29.1412 |
15 | 22.3071 | 22.7319 | 23.1993 | 23.7202 | 24.3108 | 24.9958 | 25.8162 | 26.8479 | 28.2595 | 30.5779 |
16 | 23.5418 | 23.9774 | 24.4564 | 24.9901 | 25.595 | 26.2962 | 27.1356 | 28.1907 | 29.6332 | 31.9999 |
17 | 24.769 | 25.215 | 25.7053 | 26.2514 | 26.8701 | 27.5871 | 28.445 | 29.5227 | 30.995 | 33.4087 |
18 | 25.9894 | 26.4455 | 26.9467 | 27.5049 | 28.137 | 28.8693 | 29.7451 | 30.8447 | 32.3462 | 34.8053 |
19 | 27.2036 | 27.6694 | 28.1814 | 28.7512 | 29.3964 | 30.1435 | 31.0367 | 32.1577 | 33.6874 | 36.1909 |
20 | 28.412 | 28.8874 | 29.4097 | 29.991 | 30.6489 | 31.4104 | 32.3206 | 33.4624 | 35.0196 | 37.5662 |
21 | 29.6151 | 30.0998 | 30.6322 | 31.2246 | 31.8949 | 32.6706 | 33.5972 | 34.7593 | 36.3434 | 38.9322 |
22 | 30.8133 | 31.3071 | 31.8494 | 32.4526 | 33.135 | 33.9244 | 34.8673 | 36.0492 | 37.6595 | 40.2894 |
23 | 32.0069 | 32.5096 | 33.0616 | 33.6754 | 34.3696 | 35.1725 | 36.1311 | 37.3323 | 38.9683 | 41.6384 |
24 | 33.1962 | 33.7077 | 34.269 | 34.8932 | 35.599 | 36.415 | 37.3891 | 38.6093 | 40.2704 | 42.9798 |
25 | 34.3816 | 34.9015 | 35.4721 | 36.1065 | 36.8235 | 37.6525 | 38.6416 | 39.8804 | 41.5661 | 44.3141 |
26 | 35.5632 | 36.0915 | 36.6711 | 37.3154 | 38.0435 | 38.8851 | 39.8891 | 41.146 | 42.8558 | 45.6417 |
27 | 36.7412 | 37.2777 | 37.8662 | 38.5202 | 39.2593 | 40.1133 | 41.1318 | 42.4066 | 44.14 | 46.9629 |
28 | 37.9159 | 38.4604 | 39.0577 | 39.7213 | 40.471 | 41.3371 | 42.3699 | 43.6622 | 45.4188 | 48.2782 |
29 | 39.0875 | 39.6398 | 40.2456 | 40.9187 | 41.6789 | 42.557 | 43.6038 | 44.9132 | 46.6927 | 49.5879 |
What is the Answer?
Since the test statistic of 0 exceeds our critical value of , we assume that our hypothesis does not hold.
How does the Expected Frequency Calculator work?
Free Expected Frequency Calculator - Given a contingency table (two-way table), this will calculate expected frequencies and then determine a conclusion based on a Χ2 test with critical value test and conclusion.
This calculator has 1 input.
What 1 formula is used for the Expected Frequency Calculator?
Expected Frequency = (Row Total * Column Total)/NFor more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier
What 7 concepts are covered in the Expected Frequency Calculator?
alternative hypothesisopposite of null hypothesis. One of the proposed proposition in the hypothesis test.H1critical valuea point on the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis that defines a set of values that call for rejecting the null hypothesis. expected frequencycomputed by multiplying the probability that an event occurs by the total number of possible times that the event could occur.
Expected Frequency = (Row Total * Column Total)/Nfrequencynumber of times a data value occurshypothesisstatistical test using a statement of a possible explanation for some conclusionsnull hypothesisin a statistical test, the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between specified populations, any observed difference being due to sampling or experimental error.
H0test statistica number calculated by a statistical test
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