On October 26, 1965, in Indianapolis, Indiana, a teenage American girl named Sylvia Likens was tortured and killed by her caretaker, Gertrude Baniszewski, and a large number of Baniszewski’s kids.
The most enduring nightmare in Indianapolis true crime history is the torture murder of 16-year-old Sylvia Likens on October 26, 1965.
It’s likely that this crime was a little scarier than others since, in addition to the renowned Gertrude Baniszewski, the caregiver also involved several of her own children, some of whom were as young as 10, as well as other neighborhood youngsters and other children.
A simple afternoon activity before dinner that Sylvia Likens endured for weeks or even months was watching her favorite TV shows. There were at least a dozen children present, either taking part or simply observing, and none of them appeared to be disturbed enough to tell their parents.
Murder Sylvia Compares Killer Caregiver Gertrude Baniszewski to Crime Scene Photos on Reddit
In 1965, Sylvia Likens, a 16-year-old, was cruelly tortured and killed by her nurse, Gertrude Baniszewski. On Reddit, the crime scene image is accessible.
Her abusers subjected Likens to escalating levels of maltreatment for three months before her death in Indianapolis, Indiana, on October 26, 1965. This abuse included beatings, malnutrition, dehydration, lacerations, and neglect.
Paula, her oldest child, Gertrude Baniszewski, her son John, Coy Hubbard, and Richard Hobbs, two neighborhood kids, were all charged with neglecting, abusing, and killing Likens in May 1966. All of them were found guilty in the case.
Gertrude was given a life sentence but was given release in 1985. Paula was fired in 1972 after being convicted of second-degree murder.
Hobbs, Hubbard, and John spent less than two years in the Indiana Reformatory after being convicted guilty of homicide before being released on parole on February 27, 1968.
Examining the Sylvia Likens Autopsy Report
Sylvia Likens had over 150 separate wounds on her body, according to the autopsy, and she was also dangerously underweight when she passed away. In terms of type, location, intensity, and healing rate, the wounds themselves varied.
She sustained severe burns, bruising, and muscle and nerve damage. Her vaginal canal was on the verge of closing. Likens also had much of her outer layers of skin removed from her face, breasts, and neck, in addition to having all of her fingernails broken backward.
According to coroner Dr. Arthur Kebel, Likens’ subdural hematoma from a severe blow to her right temple was what killed her.
She passed away as a result of acute starvation, shock, and severe and prolonged injuries to her skin and subcutaneous tissues, all of which were known contributory causes.
Where Are the Parents of Sylvia Likens Now?
Lester Cecil Likens and Elizabeth “Betty” Frances, who worked as carnival personnel, are Sylvia Liken’s parents. Elizabeth went away in 1998, while Lester died in 2013.
They had five children total, with Sylvia Marie Likens being the third. In addition to moving frequently, selling candy, beer, and soda at carnival stands throughout Indiana in the summer, and regularly encountering severe financial difficulties, Lester and Elizabeth’s marriage was strained.
They brought their two children with them to work, but the parents forbade the tiny girls from playing because they feared for their safety.