A woman working alone at a gas station recorded a man who invited her to a hotel room as he constantly looked over his shoulder for police.
There's been an unfortunate number of interactions women have had while at their respective places of work where they record themselves doing their best to curb conversations with overly friendly men who are attempting to flirt with them.
These types of clips are starkly different from some of the "gym-bait" videos that influencers have uploaded to social media.
Like the ones Joey Swoll often calls out from women who try to paint folks who are just minding their business as being uber-perverts who can't help but gawk at women and make them feel uncomfortable while they're working out. That's not to say there aren't instances where this has definitely happened, but there are also others where the "victim" in question is clearly unhinged, like this one woman who told a blind guy to stop staring at her.
But this one clip of gas station worker Sami Jean (@nobootyshakin) isn't one of those clips: in the video, she records a customer who is either incapable of, or uncaring of non-verbal cues as he attempts to strike up a conversation with her. Sami, who is working alone at the gas station, is visibly uncomfortable throughout her discussion with the male patron.
me printing the exact same paper over and over to appear busy #creepyguy #redflags #awkwardlaugh
♬ original sound - Sami Jean Source: TikTok | @nobootyshakinShe writes in a text overlay of the video: "POV: you work overnight at a gas station alone," and she adds in a caption that she repeatedly printed the exact same paper over and over again in an attempt to appear busy in the hopes that the man would leave her be.
What transpires is a conversation between the two that is bizarre on its own, but becomes even more concerning when you consider that she's working alone, at night.
The man constantly looks over his shoulder back at his vehicle and talks about how law enforcement makes him nervous.
He invites Sami out for a drive several times and after she finally says that she needs to return back to work, he asks her flat-out if she'd like to go to a hotel room with him.
When she declines and tells him that she has a boyfriend he continues to talk about how much police officers make him nervous and that he wishes the store wouldn't offer them free drinks and donuts so much so they wouldn't be around.
So while a lot of unsavory interactions between people could simply be chalked up to someone just being awkward, this doesn't seem like one of those cases.
Their talk goes as follows:
Customer: "I should've taken off my front plate"
Sami: "Your front plate? What's wrong with your front plate?"
C: "Uh, it's uh, visible."
S: "Oh, why is that a bad thing?"
C: "So you uh, sorta laughed, that flirtatious laugh when I asked if you wanna go high speeds in a car"
S: "Oh I was just laughing cause I'm a bad driver that's why"
C: "I meant me driving with you as a passenger"
The video then transitions to her looking outside of the gas station and we find out why: it's because the customer keeps peering out of the store.
S: "Is something out there you keep looking back?"
C: "I'm looking at my car to make sure there's nobody, uh..."
S: "Stealing it?"
C: "Yeah I'm just looking for a, I call him Robocop, he just loves to clink the shackles on me...they love to do so"
S: "They love to clink the shackles on you?"
C: "Just one I call him Robocop"
S: "Oh, why did he clink the shackles on you?"
C: "Uh, because he seems to think I do things that are against his rules and moral values and I do," the man laughs after saying this.
S: "All right well I gotta get back to work, so..."
C: "So do you wanna go for a drive?"
S: "Oh, that's scary I don't like the cars"
C: "You don't wanna go fast?"
S: "No."
C: "OK what if we stayed in a hotel room?"
S: "I don't know about that one either I have a boyfriend."
C: "You do? You didn't mention him earlier."
S: "Well you weren't asking me to hang out earlier."
C: "The police make me nervous. Law enforcement might come in here and get free drinks and donuts and s--t like that. You should charge them and they wouldn't come in here as often."
S: "No we like them here."
Some TikTokers remarked that they were shocked Sami was allowed to work past 9 pm in the case station, citing Jessica's Law, the informal name given to a law in order to protect employees after Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a convicted sex offender.