These 20 Gifts Are Bound to Make Any Horror Fan Happy

May 2024 · 5 minute read

If you're not a horror fan, it can be hard to find exactly what will feel unique and tailored to give as a gift — but any of these 20 gifts are a great place to start.

Source: Amazon

Horror fans are hard to shop for during the holiday season, particularly because their favorite holiday happens at the end of October. But if you're stuck on what to purchase for your spooky-loving friend, one of these 20 gifts is bound to make them happy.

A scratch off poster of the top 100 horror films

Source: Amazon
$19.99 on Amazon

For the friend who is trying to work their way through all of the classics, this poster will give them a great visual way to keep track of their progress. Let them scratch off each film after they've watched it, letting them plan out what ones they want to see next.

A t-shirt of the horror icons' mugshots

Source: Amazon
$17.99 on Amazon

A simple t-shirt is always a great gift, and this one has the mugshots of some of the most-recognized icons in horror.

Anatomical bat wall art

Source: Amazon
$17.95 on Amazon

Let's face it: bats and horror go hand-in-hand, but not every horror fan is a fan of the cutesy bat art that often floats around the internet. These anatomical drawings are a great way to incorporate the winged creatures without feeling like you've left your Halloween decorations up for too long.

A box set of 'Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark'

Source: Amazon
$19.99 on Amazon

Scary Stories in the Dark is where many horror fans' obsession with the genre began. Though the three books in the series are targeted to children, this box set is a great nostalgic piece that any horror fan is bound to cherish.

Michael Myers controller stand

Source: Etsy/RageQuitters
$39 on Etsy

For the friend who is always queuing up into their next round of Dead By Daylight, this controller stand will help make their gaming space more authentic.

Ouija throw blanket

Source: Amazon
$25.99 on Amazon

There's nothing better than curling up under a comfy blanket while watching a horror film — and why not get this Ouija one to add to your favorite horror fan's collection?

A whiskey glass

Source: Etsy/GiftsbySky
$18.92 on Etsy

For the friend who likes a subtler approach to their horror-themed paraphernalia, this whiskey glass points in the direction of Elm Street, Amityville, Bates Motel, and more iconic spots from horror films.

Ouija board

Source: Amazon
$39.99 on Amazon

Better yet, why not get the friend who isn't afraid of potentially opening a portal to the spirit world an actual Ouija board? Certainly, the mass-produced one by Hasbro won't be as dangerous as one found at an antique shop or in someone's attic — just remember, we're not responsible for any hauntings or demon possessions that come from the purchase of this board.

Ghostface bath mat

Source: Amazon
$23.99 on Amazon

For the recipient looking to add a bit of their love of horror to their home, this heart-shaped Ghostface bath mat will do just the trick.

Michael Myers cutting board

Source: Etsy/ArtEngravers
$16 on Etsy

For the chef of the group who sometimes pretends they're fighting bad guys with knives, this cutting board is appropriately punny yet horror-themed.

'Don't Get Stabbed' card game

Source: Amazon
$24.99 on Amazon.

Why does one's love of horror have to stop at film and television? Get everyone in on the fun with this card game, where the point is to (pretend to) kill your friends and family.

A collection of Edgar Allen Poe's work

Source: Amazon
$22.49 on Amazon

Edgar Allen Poe is one of the OG horror writers, and his work has continued to inspire horror to this day. So why not let your literary horror friend catch up on any of his pieces they may have missed with this collection of the late author's work?

Ghostface slippers

Source: Etsy/RonnyStorege
$31.55 on Etsy

Though Ghostface's legacy has become less scary over the years, the horror-lover in your life is bound to appreciate these slippers to keep their feet warm during their next movie marathon.

A Hawaiian shirt with some iconic horror villains

Source: Amazon
$39.95 on Amazon

This is one gift your horror-loving friend is bound to not have. Who says horror is only for Halloween? Bring your favorite spooky villains to the beach with this horror-inspired Hawaiian shirt.

A custom portrait in the style of Tim Burton

Source: Etsy/GroveStreetArt
$48.46+ on Etsy

Tim Burton holds a soft spot in the hearts of many horror fans, and your favorite fans of the director deserve a portrait in the style of his animated movies.

Oracle deck

Source: Amazon
$19.95 on Amazon

For the friend who is also in touch with their spirituality, add to their next reading with this oracle deck, where all of the cards have illustrations inspired by different horror icons.

'Damnable Tales: A Folk Horror Anthology'

Source: Amazon
$15.30 on Amazon

Just like with Edgar Allen Poe, folk tales have been the source of information for some of the best horror franchises out there — so let the horror buff brush up on their origin stories with this anthology of folk horror takes, with contributions from authors like Shirley Jackson, Robert Aickman, and more.

A snow globe of Jason

Source: Amazon
$16.99 on Amazon

Who says snow globes need to be winter themed? Jason makes a perfect centerpiece in this snow globe that can be displayed on more occasions than just the holiday season.

'On Set With John Carpenter'

Source: Amazon
$29.95 on Amazon.

John Carpenter is behind classic horror films like Halloween, The Fog, Christine, and more — and this book includes stills from the production of many of John's famous works. Take an intimate look at the films when they were being made, coupled with commentary found only in this book.


Source: Amazon
$6.99 on Amazon

Who doesn't love stickers? This 100-pack will either give one recipient many options to pick from when attempting to personalize their waterbottle or notebook, or multiple friends a handful of curated ones.
