Gwyneth Paltrow's favorite feel-good song is "WAP," by rappers Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. The raunchy single has caused quite the discussion since its release in 2020. According to Uproxx, the song's lyrics trended more than any other song.
It seems Paltrow caught onto the hype as well, and Kelly Clarkson wasn't the only one who was shocked. "The fact that she said it with no hesitation had my dying laughing," one viewer wrote in the YouTube comments of the clip. "I wasn't prepared for that answer and I completely relate to Kelly's scream laughing," another viewer commented.
The song has caused somewhat of an uproar among conservative politicians like James P. Bradley, who wrote on Twitter in August of 2020 (per GQ): "Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion are what happens when children are raised without God and without a strong father figure. Their new 'song' The #WAP (which i heard accidentally) made me want to pour holy water in my ears and I feel sorry for future girls if this is their role model!"
At the 2021 Grammy Awards in March 2021, Cardi and Megan performed the song and made headlines once again, with conservatives decrying the sensual performance as inappropriate.
Despite the backlash, "WAP" was still a huge success. According to The Daily Mail, it peaked at No. 1 and stayed at the top of the charts for a whole month. The music video has also been watched over 375 million times on YouTube. And now we know Paltrow is a fan, too!