Healthy Dollar Tree Snacks: What to Buy at Dollar Tree

August 2024 · 3 minute read

Believe it or not, we’ve found a lot of good stuff on our trips to Dollar Tree. Halloween candy. Holiday goodies. Even frozen foods, like Jamaican chicken patties and french fries. But there’s more at Dollar Tree than sugary treats and fried snacks. In fact, on my last visit, I found some snacks and drinks I think you could reasonably describe as healthy—although, I should remind you I’m not a nutritionist, just a food journalist who wants to help you find some snacks you can feel good about. Here are some “healthy” Dollar Tree snacks, and some “healthy” drinks to wash ’em down.

So Natural Freeze Dried Mixed Fruit

This freeze dried fruit—a mix of berries and bananas—is a fun, crunchy Dollar Tree snack to keep in your desk drawer or in the glovebox in your car. You’ll have something available when you need a quick, sweet something to eat when busting out a banana or crunching into a whole apple just doesn’t make sense. When it comes to healthy snacks at Dollar Tree, you can’t do much better than literal fruit, right?

WanaBana Natural Fruit Smoothie

A fruit smoothie for $1.25? You couldn’t walk into a smoothie shop in Los Angeles for less than that, and I don’t want to think of the damage it’d do to my wallet if I actually bought anything. This mango-passion fruit smoothie is a steal of a Dollar Tree snack, especially when you factor in portability. Toss one of these in your backpack or purse, and you won’t be tempted to hit up that fancy little juice spot that always leaves you $20 poorer.

Harvest Snaps Red Lentil Vegetable Snack Crisps

When you want to just veg out on the couch (pun fully intended) and eat your way through a bag of something salty, Harvest Snaps are are among the more ideal Dollar Tree snacks. Sure, the bags are pretty small, but that’s just a natural way to limit your portion.

Helados Mexico Frozen Minis con Crema Variety Pack

This one might stretch the concept of what a “healthy” Dollar Tree snack is, but, hey, they have fresh fruit in them and they’re the Sporked crew’s favorite popsicles, so I’m willing to fudge the numbers if you are! These little paletas are packed with such great flavor with only 100 calories, and we think you’ll be plenty happy to swap these out for a higher calorie nightly sweet treat.

Juicy Juice Apple Juice

What Dollar Tree lacks in fresh fruits and veggies, it makes up for in juice aisle. Yes, you’ll find all sorts of “blends” and “cocktails,” but you can also find Juicy Juice juice boxes, which are made with 100% fruit juice and don’t have any added sugar. Pretty refreshing at a dollar store, if you catch my drift.

Ready Strawberry Banana Sports Drink

I have never seen these Ready drinks before (I don’t know if I’m just blind at my regular grocery store or what’s up) so I ended up getting one during my visit to Dollar Tree. I did not have it before, during, or after any physical activity, but that didn’t stop me from appreciating how delicious it was. And, hey, if they vouch for it as a sports drink, who am I to argue?

Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn

Popcorn is a great low calorie salty snack that I’ll always reach for, and Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop is among the best you’ll find. I especially love how it’s already popped and ready to go right out of the bag so I don’t have to worry about finding a microwave when I need a quick fix!
