Here are the best Star Wars Day May the 4th memes

May 2024 · 3 minute read

May the fourth be with you! The unofficial holiday of Star Wars is a time of year for fans of the original series, prequels, and sequels to unleash the force of their funniest memes into the world, of which we’ve collected our very favorites right here for you.

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Since the epic story of Star Wars only exists because of a problematic Skywalker, it only seems fitting that Anakin Skywalker tops the list.

Everyone’s favorite Sith started out as the fandom’s least favorite problem child. Through all the angst and anger, Hayden Christensen still managed to grab viewer hearts, even if it did take the fandom several years to let go of their Anakin resentment.

What’s not to love about the Sith Lord? He’s got a crazy efficiency level.

After everything Vader has done for this Galaxy, you’d think that citizens of the Empire would be more appreciative. No matter how hard you try, you can’t please everyone. 

For all his rage, Darth Vader is truly his own worst enemy.

May the 4th be with you!
by u/Rowdyboi81 in OTMemes

Maybe there is a source of all this negativity? Someone specific the Sith Lord can blame? Anyone?

Speaking of Obi-Wan, we must also give a nod to Jack Black’s incredible recreation of the Jedi Knight’s confrontation with General Grievous.

Hello there May 4th
by u/Monkeyundead in PrequelMemes

While the prequel films have seemingly dominated the pop culture conversations, in terms of memes, we must admit the original trilogy of films is the Master Shredder to their Ninja Turtles.

Never forget where it all came from. May the 4th be with you all
by u/FiveOfAces in PrequelMemes

In the world of The Clone Wars, the acclaimed animated series that features a sprinkling of characters from both franchises, perhaps nothing embodies the spirit of Star Wars more than Grand Moff Tarkin’s thunder thighs.

May the 4th be with you all – as it is clearly with Tarkin
by u/AshJackOggy in PrequelMemes

If there’s one thing that was proven by the House of Mouse bringing Star Wars properties to streaming, it’s that fans can’t get enough of The Clone Wars. Sorry, J.J. Abrams, it was a good effort.

Late May the 4th meme
by u/KingHalt234676 in memes

You can literally hear the screenshots in this meme.

may the 4th be with you
by u/NecroWolf28 in memes

After years of dealing with younglings, Yoda just could’t take it anymore. We’re sure there’s more than one parent out there who needed to hear this today.

Last seen 30 minutes ago.. but I have no shame

Even if there are millions of Star Wars fans out there just waiting for the workday to end so they can relax and scratch that sci-fi itch, it’s just another day of business for those of us on Empire time.

Unique title

And finally, no matter if the original trilogy, prequel trilogy, or sequel trilogy are your preference, on the fourth of May, we’re all just Star Wars fans.

No matter what fandom you self-identify with, there’s room for all to enjoy the mythos of Star Wars and its universal theme of regular people taking up the mantle of hero to fight for a greater good. That’s what May the Fourth is all about.
