How are Argonians born?

September 2024 · 6 minute read
Argonians start out in life as eggs; when a clutch of Argonian eggs is laid, they are placed near Hist trees in areas known as hatching pools. When the eggs hatch, they form a connection to the Hist. If, for whatever reason, this connection to the Hist is not present or is severed, the unborn within the eggs die.

How were the Argonians created?

Argonian spirits are made from the essence of their Hist tree, which is the sap. If a Hist tree were drained of its sap, the souls of the tree's tribe will have nowhere to go after death.

How do Argonians breed?

They lay eggs and the eggs are positioned next to the Hist tree so that as soon as they are born they drink the sap.

Can humans and Argonians breed?

Notes On Racial Phylogeny implies that the Argonians may have different reproductive systems than Man and Mer, thus it is unlikely that they can interbreed.

Are Argonians plants?

The Argonians are reptilian natives of a swampland province known as Black Marsh by the Empire and "Argonia" by the Argonians themselves. Black Marsh is well-known as the most inhospitable province of Tamriel, filled with impenetrable swamps and teeming with poisonous plants and terrifying predators.

Skyrim - The COMPLETE Guide to the Argonians - Elder Scrolls Lore

What God do Argonians worship?

Contents. Except for a few of the most assimilated, Argonians worship neither Aedra nor Daedra. They do not have "religion" as it is known elsewhere in Tamriel. They are known to venerate the Hist Trees of Black Marsh, but they do not appear to have prayers, priests, or temples.

Can Argonians eat raw meat?

Argonian chefs makes use of ingredients that chefs of other races would shy away from, such as maggots and fermented pond scum. Often eaten raw, albeit seasoned with exotic spices and rich sauces, the fish and small creatures Argonians harvest in nets and traps sustain them in a way that is wholly unique in Tamriel.

Are there half Argonians?

Other than that, there are few to no accounts of interbreeding between men/mer and betmer, and argonian half-breeds are considered highly unlikely, if not impossible. The argonians, unlike khajiit, share no relation with men or elves, and their reproductive processes are entirely different.

How are khajiit born?

The nominal head of the Khajiiti religion is a unique form of Khajiit known as the Mane. Khajiit legend claims that it is only possible for one mane to live at a time, and his birth is triggered by the birth of a newborn Khajiit when the two moons have fully aligned in the sky.

Can a khajiit mate with a human?

It is less clear whether the Argonians and Khajiit are interfertile with both humans and elves. Though there have been many reports throughout the Eras of children from these unions, as well as stories of unions with daedra, there have been no well documented offspring.

Can you adopt an Argonian child in Skyrim?

Adds an Argonian child, Chases-Starlight. She is adoptable and can be found at the docks of Windhelm. Requires Hearthfire.

Are Argonians a hivemind?

It is believed that the Argonians are somehow co-dependent upon the trees, and that the Hist forms some sort of hive-mind. Marital customs among the Argonians is one of the few widely-known aspects of Argonian life.

Are there any Marriable Argonians in Skyrim?

Shahvee is an Argonian citizen living in the Argonian Assemblage outside Windhelm. She is the only female Argonian in the game that can be married but only if you bring back her amulet. Her daily routine reflects that of the other Argonians on the dockside.

What do the Argonians call Sithis?

Sithis, also known as Padomay, Akel, Is-Not, El, the Dread Father, Serpent of Chaos, Unmaker, and Bringer of Ends, is a representation of the one primordial state of chaos.

Are Argonians lizards?

That said, Argonians were originally created by the Hist from tree lizards and other reptilians (even a crocodile as we outright see in ESO, IE Murk-Watcher, who was a crocodile that the Hist turned into an Argonian, whom you help turn back into a crocodile).

Is Sithis a Daedra?

Sithis is neither an Aedra nor a Daedra. Sithis is the birthed soul incarnate of Padomay and the equal yet opposite force to Anui-El, who is the birthed soul incarnate of Padomay's opposite force, Anu.

Are Khajiit related to Mer?

From history (found on wiki), the Khajiit are derived from the old Aldmeri pantheon (same as all mer races). They are the product of the Daedric prince Azurah.

Are Khajiit related to cats?

Khajiit (from Ta'agra, meaning desert-dweller) are cat-like people who come from Elsweyr, known for high intelligence and agility. These traits make them very good thieves and acrobats, but Khajiit are also fearsome warriors. However, they are rarely known to be mages.

Why do Khajiit speak in third person?

Khajiit speaks in third person because khajiit is awesome. Bc English or whatever it's called in TES is prolly not their first language so it's most likely the dialect they picked up when they tried to learn.

What language do Argonians speak?

Jel is a language spoken by Argonians that is described as being "the closest speech to thought." A way of conversing communally with the Hist.

Do Argonians like khajiit?

Argonians are no friends of the Nords as is seen while playing Skyrim, and Argonians and Khajiit have a bitter rivalry going on as is evidenced in Oblivion.

Do Argonians have claws?

Khajiit then have their claws ability while Argonians do not, which is in-game stated as "Khajiit claws do 15 points of damage." However when tested the ability is revealed to do 12 extra, which results in 22 points of damage, not 15 or 12.

What is the best race in Skyrim for survival mode?

The Orc is overall the best race to play as in Survival Mode. They didn't have any special passive abilities in normal mode, but in Survival Mode, they have some that will be extremely useful. They have Fatigue resistance along with Hunger resistance.

Can khajiit eat raw meat?

Raw Diet CC (FormID FE000877 ): Your Khajiit blood allows you to eat raw meat without risk of disease.

Should I do Skyrim survival mode?

Survival mode is especially great for those who have put hundreds or even thousands of hours into Skyrim over the ten years that the game has been available and are looking for a new challenge. It's also great for those who enjoy other survival games, such as Conan Exiles, Rust, Don't Starve, or others.
