How much are dorms at SFA?

August 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Residence Hall rates: fall 2020 and spring 2021 Building Rate per semester Hall 14 $2,248 Hall 16 $2,248 Hall 20 $3,119 Kerr Hall $2,166 Click to see full answer. Likewise, how much is room and board at SFA? Total Costs Estimated Budgets Texas Resident Total Budget $22,156 In-State Tuition $5,808 Other Fees $2,508 Room and Board $8,964 Beside above, does SFA have dorms? However, Stephen F Austin State University dorms are similar to most college housing options. Most on-campus residence halls include singles, double, and suites. Floor plans vary from residence hall to residence hall. CampusReel hosts dorm tours of Stephen F Austin State University, and every one is different. Also question is, do freshmen have to live on campus at SFA? You are required to live on campus if you are under 21 or have less than 60 earned hours. There are some exceptions, though. For example, if you live within a 60 mile-radius of campus, you can apply for an off-campus permit. Visit Off-Campus Living for details.How do I apply for housing at SFA? Applying for housing: A few simple steps Complete your residence hall application and contract (see application process below). Submit your $100 residence hall deposit with your completed application.
