John King Played an Important Role During the 2020 Election Night

October 2024 · 4 minute read

News anchor John King covered the 2020 election on CNN during election night and people have lots of questions about him, including how much he makes.

Source: Getty

As millions of Americans waited with bated breath for the 2020 election results to roll in via multiple news networks, CNN’s John King played a pivotal role in relaying all of the right information to them. He spent hours on-air, almost nonstop, from the time coverage began, well into the early hours of the morning the following day. And people took notice.

Even for those who have never closely followed politics or even watched the news, seeing King in action with his “magic wall” of election results impressed them. So much so that Twitter went a bit wild commending the longtime news anchor for his stamina in staying awake and on his feet for so long. And, as to be expected, they have questions about who he is and if CNN is paying the guy what he’s worth.

Source: CNN

How much does John King make?

King has been a journalist and TV news anchor for decades. And, while he began the major points of his career as a writer for the Associated Press, he joined CNN in 1997. From there, he rose through the ranks as a chief correspondent for the White House and the United States as a whole. Because of his experience with the network and as an anchor, King’s yearly salary is very likely in the millions.

According to CNN, on-air anchors can earn anywhere from five figures into the millions, depending on experience. Given King’s experience and number of years with CNN, he likely makes more than $1 million for his yearly salary. Fox News’ Sean Hannity makes $40 million and Robin Roberts makes $18 million as a co-host of Good Morning America, so King is more than likely sitting pretty on CNN.

John King is flawless. Literally. His knowledge is unmatched. He is fair and his poise puts viewers at ease.

We forever remember who delivers the news at historic times like these, we’re lucky that it’s John.

— Taylor Rooks (@TaylorRooks) November 4, 2020

John King's net worth is pretty impressive.

With King’s salary likely in the millions, it's no wonder that, according to Celebrity Net Worth, his overall net worth is $7 million. Though to be fair, it wouldn't be surprising if it was even higher than that. And King’s coverage on CNN goes well beyond the election. He has also guided Americans through the COVID-19 pandemic as well as politics in general.

But, he told the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, being on television wasn't always his plan.

"I had no interest in being in television," King said. "I had worked for the Associated Press for 12 years. I started in Rhode Island. I came to Boston. Talk about luck:  We had a great guy, Chris Daley, who was running our State House bureau at the time; he was a fabulous reporter who didn't want to go to Iowa, didn't want to go to New Hampshire… So they looked around and said, ‘All right, kid, how about you?’ I was 23 years old. I was pretty cool."

Anderson Cooper and the CNN crew carrying John King out of the studio after the election is over and he can finally stop standing by his big board

— jønathan™🦑 (@J_Overstreet14) November 4, 2020

Who is John King's ex-wife?

Somewhere along the way in his busy career, King was married twice and had three kids. And his ex-wife, Dana Bash, is a fellow CNN anchor and correspondent. After just four years of marriage, they divorced in 2012. Together, they had one child and, as it stands, King has three kids total.

So when he’s not busy on his feet all day and night trying to keep America in the know, King is likely busy with them.
