How often should you change your furnace filter?

September 2024 · 7 minute read
In general, this is how often changing furnace filters needs to be done: For 1- to 2-inch filters, replace them every 1 to 3 months. For 3- to 4-inch filters, replace them every 6 to 9 months. For 5- to 6-inch filters, replace them every 9 to 12 months.

How often should you change your furnace filter in the winter?

Professionals, like our team at Airco Service, Inc. say that you should change your air filter at least every three months. During the winter, when you rely on your heating system more, you want to increase that frequency. During the winter, when the system is in constant use, change it out every month.

How many times a year should you change your furnace filter?

A good rule of thumb is to change 1-2 inch filters every three months, 4 inch filters every six months and 5 inch filters every 12 months. Signs your air filter needs changed: The filter is visibly dirty. Certainly if you can't see the material of the filter itself, it should be replaced.

What happens if you don't change your furnace filter?

Without a new air filter, the furnace will overheat every time it starts up again. This is referred to as short cycling. Dirty furnace filters cause your furnace to work harder than it should due to a decrease in airflow. The harder your furnace works, the quicker its parts will wear out and need repairs.

How do I know when to replace my furnace filter?

Your filter can be showing you different signs that point to it needing to be cleaned or replaced.

  • Filter is a different color. ...
  • Energy bills are higher than usual. ...
  • Low air flow. ...
  • Rise in physical issues. ...
  • Headaches. ...
  • Allergies. ...
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning. ...
  • Forces HVAC systems to work harder.
  • How often do I really need to change my furnace filter?

    What happens if you put furnace filter in backwards?

    When a furnace filter is placed backwards, the fibers can't do their job properly. This means your furnace has to work harder to generate the same air flow, resulting in increased energy costs. Particles are also allowed to build up irregularly, making the furnace working even harder to draw air.

    What a dirty furnace filter looks like?

    The filter is noticeably gray in color, and you can see dirt and dust built up on the filter media. Your home is dustier than usual. Your heating or cooling system is cycling longer than it usually does.

    Does central air go through the furnace filter?

    While many people refer to air conditioning and furnace filters as if they're different, this is not the case. Your furnace and your air conditioning system use the exact same filter, so there's no need to worry about purchasing separate filters for each piece of equipment.

    Can you change a furnace filter while its running?

    1. To Change Your Home Air Filter, You'll Need To Turn Off Your Furnace. To prevent the HVAC unit from turning on while you are changing the filter, make sure you turn the thermostat to the “off” position. This will help protect your HVAC system from loose debris or maybe a loose filter fitting escaping into the duct.

    How long should a furnace filter last?

    Change Your Filters Regularly

    For example, a one inch furnace filter should be changed out every one to three months. A three to four-inch filter can last for six to nine months. If you have a thick five to six-inch filter, it can last from nine to twelve months.

    Can a dirty furnace filter make you sick?

    If the filter's dirty, everything past the filter is dirty too, including the air you breathe. This pumps your home full of dust and allergens. Speaking of allergens, they can cause a number of physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, tightness in your chest, and a mess of cold symptoms you may not be able to shake.

    What happens if you dont change your air filter?

    A dirty filter reduces the airflow to your HVAC system and causes it to work harder. It uses more energy, which costs you more money. It also might not be able to keep your home at the proper temperature. This means it may have to run for longer periods, which strains the system.

    Why does my furnace filter get dirty so fast?

    Your filter gets clogged faster when your furnace is running more often. That's because more air is cycled through your filter when your furnace goes through more heating cycles, so more contaminants get caught on the filter's media. The colder it gets outside, the faster your filter will get clogged with dirt.

    Why does my furnace have 2 filters?

    A lot of central air units have at least two filters, though you can find systems that have only one. The reason why there are a couple of filters is because not only the air that is traveling into the air handler needs to be filtered, but also the air passing through the return vents.

    What does a dirty furnace filter do?

    A clogged furnace air filter will negatively affect the airflow throughout your house and HVAC system. The lack of fresh air in your furnace will cause the heat exchanger to become too warm and deactivate. Dirty filters indirectly cause short cycling issues and will make it hard to keep your home warm.

    How much does it cost to change a furnace filter?

    Although flat filter designs offer the most savings upfront, they need to be replaced more frequently and may cost you more in the long run. Replacing these filters can cost anywhere from $40 to $200 a year.

    Will furnace shut off if filter is dirty?

    Running a Furnace With a Dirty Filter

    A dirty furnace filter can cause some serious problems. Namely, it impedes air from flowing properly through your furnace, and can trigger it to shut down. This can result in a colder home.

    Why is my furnace filter black after one week?

    When you run your air conditioner, the evaporator coil will become damp from condensation. If left for a long period of time, that condensation will mix with the dust and dirt and form a black mold. This mold will grow and eventually spread to your furnace, and the filter.

    Are expensive air filters worth it?

    Yes, in general, the more expensive air filters are more effective, but a single person with no pets and allergies might not need as much filtration as a family of five with three pets and a child with asthma. Also consider how long your air filter will last.

    Does the furnace in the attic have a filter?

    Here are some of the most common locations for an HVAC air filter. Horizontal units are frequently located in attics, large basements or garages. The filter usually fits in a slot on the air return side of the unit. These systems are usually found in smaller basements or crawl spaces where space is limited.

    Should all return vents have filters?

    In general, it is recommended to have an air filter in every return vent (as long as you choose the one of the right size and thickness). The filters will improve the air quality in your house and will protect the HVAC equipment from dust, pollen, pet dander, and hair.

    Why are my furnace filters never dirty?

    If the filter is not installed correctly, then the air can flow around the filter and not into it. When that happens, the filter won't get dirty because all that air isn't going anywhere near it.

    Do Dirty air filters make your house dusty?

    A clogged or dirty air filter can spread contaminants such as dust, dirt, pollen, and pet dander instead of catching them. It can also restrict your system's airflow, forcing it to work harder and use more energy. Clogged air filters can dirty your ductwork and leave lots of extra dust throughout your home.

    Can a black air filter make you sick?

    As soon as you notice air filter black mold, dispose of the filters! Mold can make you and your family very ill. Symptoms of sickness from mold can include a sore throat, stuffy nose, coughing, wheezing and eye irritation.
