How to delete activity log on facebook

June 2024 · 3 minute read

How do you delete Activity Log on Facebook app?

You’ll need to go to your profile, or timeline. While there, scroll the About, Friends, and Photos thumbnails over until you see an Activity Log thumbnail. Once you select Activity Log, you’ll be able to view, edit, or delete any unwanted activity from your timeline by tapping on the arrow next to the item.

How can I delete my Facebook history?

How do I delete recently visited on Facebook Mobile?

How do I remove someone from Facebook search results?

You can’t remove someone from appearing in your search results. Your Graph Search results are based on a lot of things, like friends or Pages you interact with on Facebook.

How do I delete my name from Facebook search?

To delete one search:
  • Click in the top right of Facebook.
  • Select Settings & Privacy, then click Activity Log.
  • Click Logged Actions and Other Activity, below Activity Types.
  • Click Search history.
  • Click next to the search you want to delete, then click Delete.
  • Can you tell when someone searches for you on Facebook?

    Facebook does not allow you to know who has viewed your profile or who has searched for you on the network. In the same way, if you look for someone else, they won’t be able to tell — people searches, together with any other searches you run on Facebook, are kept private and are not shown to anyone else.

    How do I remove names from Facebook search list?

    To delete a name in a Facebook search, you must block the user whose name you want to delete. The main purpose of blocking a person is to keep him from seeing your profile on Facebook, but it also keeps you from seeing his information.

    How do I make myself unsearchable on Facebook 2020?

    How do I remove myself from Facebook Search 2020?

    Click “Edit Settings” link. 5. Uncheck “Enable public search” option. This will hide your profile from search results, so that noone can find you using facebook search engine.

    How do I hide myself on Facebook Search 2020?

    Click the “Who can look up your profile by name or contact info?” drop-down menu and select “Friends of Friends” or “Friends” to limit the people who can view your Facebook profile. This hides your profile from being visible in public searches on Facebook or from search engines like Google.

    How can I hide my Facebook account from public search?

    How do I change my Facebook page from public to private?

    To change the privacy of a public Facebook group you admin:
  • From your News Feed, click Groups in the left menu and select your group. If you don’t see Groups, click See More.
  • Click Settings in the left menu.
  • Click next to Privacy.
  • Select Private and then click Save.
  • Can I be invisible on Facebook?

    Visit, log in to your profile and click ‘Account’ in the top-right corner. From there, choose ‘Privacy Settings. This new page will load a number of different privacy options, but you’ll want to click through each one and change the setting to ‘Only Me’ so that nobody else can see your Facebook activity.
