How To Find And Catch Sailfish In Dave The Diver

October 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Learn everything you need to know about finding and catching Sailfish in Dave the Diver here.

First Published July 24, 2023, 14:49

Dave the Diver is a game where you will spend a large majority of your time diving into The Blue Hole finding and catching fish. The various fish that you catch in the game will be turned into sushi that you will serve at the sushi restaurant that you manage during the nighttime.

You are constantly diving into The Blue Hole to finding the best fish to serve as sushi. Sometimes, you will be asked to catch a specific fish in Dave the Diver. One of the fish you will be tasked to find is Sailfish. Here, we are going to teach you how to find and catch Sailfish in Dave the Diver.

How To Find Sailfish In Dave The Diver

In Dave the Diver, you'll eventually engage with special events that ask you to catch some specific fish to satisfy customers. One event that you will come across will be the Marlin Party. Thanks to this event,Marlins will start appearing in The Blue Hole for you to catch and serve as sushi. In the same notice, you will also be told that the rare Sailfish will also appear.

It is important to note that Marlins are not the same as Sailfish in Dave the Diver. So if you are looking for Sailfish instead of Marlins, you have to look somewhere different. If you want to find Sailfish, you can only find them in the Under Sunkenship area at about 100m in depth. This is the area that is under the yellow sunken boat and it is where you fight the Giant Squid.

How To Catch Sailfish In Dave The Diver

To make the absolute most out of the Sailifsh that you find, you will need to catch them alive which is a tough thing to do. Sailfish are aggressive and they will attack you when they see you. You could kill it with a gun but that would waste potential meat gains. You will want to knock it out with a hush dart or something else that could put it to sleep.

Once you have knocked it out, you will need to use the salvage drone to ship it out. The sailfish is too big for Dave to carry on his own. So make sure when you are heading to the Sunken Ship area, you have a Salvage Drone use ready to go. If not, you will have to cut into a dead Sailfish which will get you a lot less meat.

Daniel Borjas
