How to Flavor Plain Yogurt

May 2024 · 4 minute read

I’m sorry to the yogurt lovers out there, but there are few things I like less than plain yogurt. It’s just not for me. Luckily, if I wind up with a 32-ounce container of plain Greek yogurt in my fridge (hey, shit happens when you live that Costco life), there are lots of ways to make it taste like something besides tangy dairy. If you have a similar aversion and are looking for the best ways to flavor plain yogurt (or you love plain yogurt and just want to mix things up), you’re in luck. Here are some Sporked-approved products that also happen to double as delicious yogurt mix-ins when you need some calcium, protein, and probiotics, but also want some dang flavor in that plain yogurt.

Miller’s Raw Natural Clover Honey

When she ranked all the best honey, Sporked editor-in-chief Justine Sterling suggested that Miller’s raw honey would make an excellent yogurt mix-in, and, honestly, I trust Justine with my life on this sort of thing. It’s easy to see how she came to that conclusion. In addition to the signature sweetness you expect from honey, Miller’s raw honey has a big pop of wonderful, floral, orange blossom flavor that will really elevate plain yogurt to fancy coffeeshop fare. When you’re sitting there wondering how to flavor plain yogurt, yes, honey is a pretty obvious choice, but do yourself a favor and get the good stuff.

Read the full ranking of the best honey

Escuminac Extra Rare Maple Syrup

It doesn’t really get more commonplace than plain yogurt, so we’re pairing it with an “extra rare” maple syrup. Have you ever had extra rare maple syrup? It’ll change your life in all the right ways. This was the best real maple syrup we found in our taste test, and even though it’s a little pricy, it’s worth the splurge. It’s thick and has a very rich, concentrated maple flavor, which makes it a great mix-in for yogurt. Stir a spoonful of this into your morning bowl of yoge and you’ll never eat it plain again.

Read the full ranking of the best pancake syrup

St. Dalfour Strawberry Fruit Spread

If you’re using strawberry fruit spread to turn your plain yogurt into luscious, delicious strawberry yogurt, perhaps you’re wondering why you didn’t just buy strawberry yogurt. We’ll tell you why: This hack is better. St. Dalfour strawberry fruit spread is like fancy jam that would be served alongside a tea tray of scones in a fancy tea house. It’s “tasty, tart, sweet, and fresh,” and, frankly, a lot of strawberry yogurt just doesn’t achieve that. Mix a spoonful or two of this into your next bowl of yogurt, and enjoy how it flavors your plain yogurt, yes, but also the nice, seedy texture it adds.

Read the full ranking of the best strawberry jam

Smucker’s Hot Fudge

If you’re looking for ideas for how to flavor plain yogurt, chocolate might not be the first thing that occurs to you. But sometimes you need a chocolate fix but don’t feel like downing a whole bowl of chocolate ice cream. That’s where plain yogurt and Smucker’s hot fudge come in. This is like “hot fudge sundae but make it healthy.” (Okay, “healthy” might be a stretch, but let’s go with it.) In terms of texture, this is the best hot fudge sauce we tried in our taste test. It’s so smooth and silky—Justine said it’s more like a chocolate ganache than a syrup. Instead of heating it up, enjoy this out of the fridge and let the two semi-solids come together to create one delicious dish.

Read the full ranking of the best hot fudge sauce

Dole Crushed Pineapple

If you aren’t using canned fruit to flavor your plain yogurt, you’re missing out. When Justine taste tested canned pineapple, she wasn’t entirely sure what crushed pineapple is for, but it’s perfect for a morning bowl of yogurt. This stuff gives you that fruit-at-the-bottom effect without actually having to buy fruit-at-the-bottom yogurt. Load up your morning bowl of plain yogurt with some Dole crushed pineapple (aka the best canned pineapple) for a zesty, tropical punch of flavor. It’s like sending your taste buds on a vacation to Hawaii!

Read the full ranking of the best canned pineapple
