How to get the Upgrade and Dubious Disk and evolve Porygon in Pokemon Sword and Shields Isle of A

June 2024 · 2 minute read
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Once you finish the main storyline of Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Isle of Armor DLC, you are rewarded with the polygonal Pokemon itself, Porygon. While getting the Pokemon itself is straight forward, you are going to need to do a little adventuring outside to have the chance to evolve it. Here are the ways you can retrieve the Upgrade and Dubious Disk items to evolve Porygon in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Isle of Armor DLC.

Related: How to get Porygon in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Isle of Armor

How to get the Upgrade and Dubious Disk and evolve Porygon in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Isle of Armor

First we are going to find the Upgrade in the wild area. Start in the Warm Up Tunnel and exit towards Training Lowlands. On the left between the beach and entrance to the cave will be some boulders. The upgrade is laying on the ground there. If you do not want to go out and find the item yourself, you can craft it using the Cram-o-matic in the Master Dojo by using Yellow Apricorn, Big Nugget, Big Mushroom, and a Star Piece.

Next, you are going to want to evolve your Porygon. Make it hold the Upgrade and trade it to a friend who will trade it back to you and you will have Porygon2.

Now that you have a Porygon2, you will need the Dubious Disk to further evolve it. The item is sitting on a small patch of sand out in the ocean to the far south of the Isle of Armor in the Workout Sea. You can see exactly where with the below video.

Make your Porygon2 hold the Dubious Disk and again trade it to a friend who will trade it back to you. Do this and you will now have its final stage, Porygon-Z.

For future Pokemon guides like this, be sure to stay tuned to Gamepur.

About the author

John Hansen

John Hansen is a Full-time Staff Writer for Gamepur as well as a host for the YouTube channel Pixel Street Videos where he co-hosts a weekly gaming podcast and more. His favorite games include Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild, Left 4 Dead 2, and Overwatch. He covers Overwatch 2 and other FPS titles, Minecraft, Sonic the Hedgehog, Legend of Zelda, and whatever zombie games are placed in front of him.

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